Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Charge An Electric Car With Solar Panels

Can I Buy A Car With Solar Installed

Charging an electric car with home solar panels

Its something were asked regularly, why doesnt Tesla and other companies that make electric cars make their cars out of solar panels letting you drive along the road using nothing but the power of the Sun?

Recently IKEA has announced its putting solar panels on its cars, revealing a new solar roof technology that it hopes to introduce to cars from 2019 onward. Those panels it says will reduce pollution and increase fuel efficiency.

It usually follows the following thought patterns. Solar panels make electricity and electric cars run on electricity and batteries, and batteries are expensive, so why cant you just make a solar-powered car?

Some cars do already have solar panels on their roofs like the new sonar Scion, a small new electric car from a European startup that does indeed have photovoltaic solar panels all over its body.

If these cars already exist why isnt everyone doing it? Simply put the whole photovoltaic panel on a car idea hasnt made it into mainstream production yet, at least in terms of a photovoltaic panel that can be used to provide solar power to move the car down the road because of cost, power density and the practicality of solar panels.

Lets deal with them one by one. First lets look at cost and for this one, were going to ignore power density which Ill come to in a second. While the price of photovoltaic solar panels is coming down considerably.

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Couldnt I Just Hardwire The Solar Panels Into My Evs Battery Bank

Wouldnt that be nice? Maybe someday, but for now we dont know of any EV brand that makes an adapter to go from solar directly into the cars onboard charging system. That said, we hope someones working on a solution. Even so, as the math above shows, the gains from even a 1000W solar system would be trivial.

How Many Panels Do You Need

Its difficult to give an exact estimate of how many solar panels youll need to charge your vehicle, since the energy consumption depends on the size of the battery.

On average, a solar panel system with about 10 solar panels can provide enough power to charge an electric vehicle but bear in mind that youll need more panels for a larger battery.

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Charging Is Normally Done In The Evening Or At Night When The Sun Is Down

For most workers, charging their electric car is done in the evening or at night, when the sun is no longer present. Not to mention that at certain times of the year the sun can be more rare. In order to be able to recharge ones vehicle directly with solar energy, one would have to think of storing energy in order to use it at the right time, which would add very significant costs. Indeed, the storage of solar energy requires batteries, which, depending on the type, have a lifetime and a very variable cost. While acid-lead batteries are the most economical, their lifetime is limited to a maximum of 8 years with very good maintenance . Their lifespan will however be much lower if they are regularly discharged by more than 50%. To avoid these drawbacks must then opt for lithium batteries, much more expensive, but have a duration of 20 years without requiring maintenance. They can also be discharged regularly more than 80% without problem.

However, batteries may become more interesting if Hydro-Québec decides to offer variable rates depending on the time of day. The batteries could thus be recharged with solar energy or from the network, at the time when the rates would be the lowest. The energy stored in the batteries could then be used at a time when rates would be higher. Hydro-Québec has announced that it will soon offer, on a voluntary basis, dynamic pricing.

How Long Is The Daily Commute

Solar Car Charging

In Step 2 we established that our Solar panel has a power output of 1.167KWh/day.

Dividing the battery capacity by the power output gives us the number of solar panels we need. In our case, this comes to 34 solar panels .

I know this number comes as shock to you but let us be realistic. It would be very unusual to have a battery in such a state of discharge.

The average distance a driver travels is 37 km or 23 miles per day.

If you work out your daily commute distance, then this figure would be used for your design calculations instead of the total range of the vehicle.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • Battery capacity 40KWh
  • Battery capacity used is 40 x 37/150 = 9.8 kWh
  • Number of solar panels need = Battery capacity used/single panel output = 9.8/1.167 = 8

In this example the daily distance to be traveled is 62 miles. To calculate the number of solar panels we divide the energy required to travel our daily distance by the energy produced by our solar panel per day.

  • 62 miles equates to 16.4609 KWh
  • 16.4609KWh/1.167KWh= 14 solar panels

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How Long Does It Take To Charge An Electric Car With Solar Panels

This really all depends on where you live, that is how much Global Horizontal Irradiation you receive, how many miles you need to drive each day, and what size solar system you have installed.

But once again we can assume the below.

You own a Tesla Model 3, which has 353 miles of autonomy, and consumes around 14.9kWh every 62.13 miles.

Assuming you lived in California, and drove 62 miles each day, you would require a 2400W solar system to recoup your lost capacity within 6.25 hours.

Now bear in mind if you drove half that distance you would require half the amount of time to recoup your last capacity. This is of course assuming you want to completely recoup your lost capacity at all.

Remember the Model 3 has 353 miles of autonomy, meaning you could go a few days without charging and still be fine.

What Happens If The Charge In Your Tesla Runs Out

The message Battery power very low will appear as your battery life nears its end. decreased cooling and heating If you continue driving, a second warning that reads, Car shutting down, pull over carefully, will show. A short while later, the cars power will fail and youll hear an alert.

Because some models can be carried while others cannot, it is recommended to have the car loaded into a flat-bed truck to either be taken home or to a charging station. Roadside groups are looking into installing roadside emergency chargers in their cars, and it appears that as the number of EVs rises, so will the use of these chargers.

Even the lithium batteries used in electric vehicles shouldnt be entirely depleted, according to technical standards. To prolong lengthy battery life, its a good idea to discharge batteries to a maximum of 80%.

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What To Consider If You Have Solar Panels And Want To Buy An Electric Vehicle

If you already have solar panels installed on your home, you probably understand the relationship between your daily electricity generation and consumption. When considering the addition of an EV and electric vehicle chargers for home, you have to factor in the additional charging needs of the electric car you choose. You may need to add more solar panels to charge an EV, to offset the increased amount of electricity that your home will use if you want to avoid using extra electricity from the grid.

The formulas outlined above can help you estimate how many solar panels you’ll need to add to power your electric vehicle home charger, so you can then determine how much it will cost to have them installed.

Here are a few other factors to consider:

How Long Does It Take To Charge An Electric Car Using Solar Power And What Are The Savings

The cheap solar-powered car you might NEVER need to charge | SONO SION

This obviously depends on the amount of sunlight and the type of panels on your roof, as well as the type of wallbox charger you have. We visited one electric-car owner, Warren Philips of Shoreham-on-Sea, who uses solar panels to charge his Renault ZOE. On a sunny day, the panels on his roof can generate upwards of 40kWh of electricity, enough to charge the 40kWh battery in his car.

Most electric-car charging at home happens overnight, when theres no sun to generate free electricity. This is why its worth considering installing a home battery system like a Tesla Powerwall to store the solar energy to recharge your car.

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How Long Will Tesla Typically Take To Charge

Your automobile will always be fully charged in less than eight days, regardless of the charger you choose. Its unlikely that you will ever use all eight days for charging your car, though, as very few individuals would ever completely drain their Teslas battery.

Depending on the charger they choose and how much of their battery is already charged, it will typically take between one and twelve hours for the majority of individuals to charge their Tesla. Your Tesla will nearly always be exactly where you want it to be after an overnight charge, so you can relax knowing that it will take you anywhere you need to go in the morning.

Payback Period For Solar Installations

To discuss the payback period in detail, consider a 1.5KW solar setup in three different cities of Australia. This will give you a general idea about the payback period of a solar charging station.

For this, we assume the energy consumption of 25KWh/day at 25c, and our system is operated at 85% efficiency. We also assume two cases of consuming either 70% or 100% of the energy produced by the solar setup.


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How Many Solar Panels Do You Need To Charge A Tesla Car

To quickly answer this question, we present to you a table below detailing approximately how many solar panels you would need to charge your Tesla car. The chart below shows the approximate size of a solar PV system according to a persons daily usage of the electric vehicle.

To cover the energy cost for EV charging with solar panels, you will need to calculate how far you would drive on average every day. You could be able to determine this if you have recorded the mileage of your car.

This will then determine how much electrical energy your electric vehicle will require throughout the year. This will ultimately give you the size of the solar PV system you would need to install.

Average Daily Drive

Bottom Line: Dont Worry About Whether Your Car Is Powered By Solar Electrons

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If environmental impact is your goal, you really shouldnât worry about whether your car is powered by âsolarâ electrons, or if you have to sometimes use grid power.

Instead, focus on the most economical time to charge. Schedule your car charging according to your net metering and time-of-use situation, and only after that worry about if you can charge during off-peak hours to minimize the environmental impact. As was discussed in the article about the benefits of going solar, any excess power your solar panels generate will tend to offset fossil fuel peaker plants, helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the electricity supply.

From an environmental point of view, this will have the largest impact on your carbon footprint than worrying about whether your car was charged by the grid or your solar panels.


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Solaredge 2 In 1 Ev Charger Inverter

SolarEdge are one of the worlds leading solar brands, now with a world leading solar charger.

SolarEdges EV charging single phase inverter enables homeowners to charge their electric vehicles directly from the suns energy. With the SolarEdge 2 in 1, you get an inverter for your PV System, as well as an EV Charger together in a single device. This 2 in 1 system means that installations are quicker and more affordable. Only costing around £500 more than a standard SolarEdge inverter!

Other Key Features:

  • Simple Integration with the SolarEdge monitoring platform.
  • This Solar compatible charger, can also charge EVs up to 2.5 times faster than a standard EV charger, through its ability to use both power from the grid and your PV System simultaneously.
  • EV Charging can be activated remotely and scheduled. This way you can take advantage of off-peak hours where electricity cost are low.
  • Available in 3.68-6kW sizes, type 1 and 2 cables in 4.6 or 7.6m lengths.
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor installation.
  • Is Grant Fundable, if you are eligible for the £350 OLEV grant.

Is Tesla Solar A Good Deal

However, the lack of customer service is slightly worrying, considering youll be dealing with Tesla for up to 25 years, and the lack of customization is not ideal either.

For those looking for a smaller solar setup, or a setup more specifically tailored to their needs, contacting your local solar installer may be a better choice.

Also Check: How Much Solar Panel Is Needed To Power A House

Can You Charge An Electric Car With A Portable Solar Panel

Many of you reading this are likely aware that solar panels are capable of producing electricity via the photovoltaic effect.

In fact, as of 2020, over 2.7 million solar systems are powering homes across the U.S.

Another market currently booming is the electric vehicle industry, with an estimated 607,600 light electric vehicle sold in the U.S. in 2021.

Solar panels capable of generating free electricity and vehicles that run on electricity, the two seem to go hand in hand – it’s a no brainer.

And many people are starting to catch on. Such as yourself for example.

With that being said though, we all know that a full blown roof top solar system is capable of powering a home along with your electric car.

But what about portable solar panels, are these capable of charging an electric car?

How Big Is Your Electric Vehicle Battery

Direct Solar Charging an Electric Car

One of the key things to suss out before installing a solar panel system is how much electricity your car will consume. As a general rule, the bigger the battery, the more energy itll eat away.

To give you an idea of how many miles you can get out of different sized batteries, weve outlined a few examples below.

Type of car
375-mile range for Tesla S Model

Data from Tonik

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How Long Does One Charge Last

The time it takes to charge an electric car can be as little as 30 minutes, or more than 12 hours it all depends on the size of the battery and the speed of the charging point. If your cars charging speed is a little on the slow side, you can always charge it overnight. Youll just need to install a battery storage unit for your solar panel system, which will store the energy that has been generated throughout the day.

An electric vehicle charging station costsbetween £800 and £1,100, typically.

You save £449 per year by charging at home instead of in public, which means you’ll break even in about two years.

How Much Energy Is Needed To Charge Electric Cars Like Tesla

To explain the amount of energy required to charge electric cars, lets understand how Tesla works. Like any other petrol or diesel-driven cars, electric cars also require an adequate amount of charge from the grid. The power consumption of the car heavily depends on the model of the car and the manufacturer of the car.

For example, lets understand this energy consumption by considering and comparing the charging of a Tesla Model X. Usually, these electric cars can be charged anywhere provided theres a Tesla Supercharger Station or any other charging station to be fair however, their power consumption usually depends on the size and capacity of the battery that the model comes with .

This particular model holds different battery capacities from the range 60-100 kWh, whereas 1 kWh stands for 1000 watts used in one hour. Hence, by multiplying the value with the power capacity of the EV battery, one can easily find out the estimated value or amount of power required for charging and driving an electric car. Thus, the charging time and electricity costs are directly proportional to the capacity of the battery.

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Can I Charge An Electric Car With Solar Panels

My EV has a home charging cable that I use, but itâs only a Level 1 connection and it takes a really long time to get to full battery capacity. Can I charge an electric car with solar panels, and would it be quicker?

  • It wonât be as simple as it sounds. In order to charge your EV with solar panels, youâd also need to install a home charging unit . This will be a Level 2 charger, which does indeed charge faster, but needs more voltage than a Level 1.
  • Youâll also need to install a PV inverter unit that converts the solar energy into DC current for the vehicle. Unless you are an electrician, youâll need to hire a professional, which may be expensive.
  • Youâll most likely be installing a 1kW solar panel system. These are estimated to generate 850kW of energy output a year. Realistically, this would charge the average EV about 24 times, which translates into some 3,250 miles of driving range. Unless you donât commute very far or arenât fond of travel, this might not be very efficient.

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