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How To Become A Solar Power Technician

North American Board Of Certified Energy Practitioners

Solar Technician

The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners® is the most respected, well-established and widely recognized national certification organization for professionals in the field of renewable energy. NABCEP offers certifications and credentials for skilled professionals, specialists and those new to working in the areas of photovoltaics, solar heating, and small wind technologies. The first NABCEP Solar PV Installer certification exam was administered in 2003. Since then, NABCEP has launched and maintained 8 Board Certification Programs and 3 Associate credentials. Visit NABCEP’s website.

Where To Join Course To Become A Solar Energy Technician

These are Short Term Courses of 1 Year to 2 Years.After going through this course the student will be able to understand:

If you are in USA then visit any of the following:

  • American Solar Energy Society
  • Solar Energy Industries Association
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Solar Living Institute
  • If you are in India then visit:

  • National Institute of Open Schooling
  • Duties Of Solar Installer

    So lets sum up all the duties, and task certified solar technicians have. He needs to to the customers and see what exactly they want to accomplish by installing the solar system. Then, based on that, his knowledge, and the assessment of the location, he has to create a solar configuration that will be aligned with all the demands and possibilities.

    2. The second part includes measuring the roof and cutting and creating the support structure that will hold the solar system. This part needs to be impeccable in order for you, as an installer, can guarantee safety. At the same time, you have to make sure all of that the base structure, solar modules, and solar panels are in accordance with standards and building codes.

    The next step includes 3.placing solar panels at the right spot, securing them, and connecting them to the electrical grid. Then there is a 4.verifying process of their performance, activation of the system, as well as testing part. The solar installer has an obligation to make sure everything is working flawlessly before going off the site. After that, from time to time, his job is to come back and 5.provide professional maintenance.

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    Get Your High School Diploma Or Ged

    A high school diploma or GED is the first requirement to become solar energy technician. If you know you want to be a solar energy technician while you’re in high school, you can begin preparing through your studies. Classes on math and science would be helpful, as well as shop classes and CAD classes. None of these are necessities to getting a job as a solar energy technician after graduation, but they can teach you useful skills and help you get an early start in your training.

    How Do I Get To The Solar Field

    What Is A Solar Energy Technician?

    Get a four-year degree in a solar related field. Mechanical, industrial, electrical, and software engineers all play a part in the solar industry. With one of these degrees and a certification in your area of specialty, like photovoltaic cell research or solar power plant design, youll be a more competitive candidate.

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    Hvac Solar Technician License And Certification

    In addition to educational requirements, HVAC solar technicians must also meet certain requirements for certification and licensing. Certifications may be obtained through associations such as Electronics Technicians Association , North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners , and National Roofing Contractors Association . In respect to licensure different states and cities have their own specific requirements so it is critical for those interested in working as solar technicians to check with both the state level and local level requirements prior to taking on work. Solar technicians who are also contractors or plan to work at the contractor level must obtain licensure and it is often required to obtain a specialize permit for solar related work.

    Solar Energy Technician Job Description Course Salary

    by Santosh Das| Last Updated On February 1, 2020

    Full Information on Solar Energy Technician Job Description, Course, Salary.

    A Solar Energy Technician is Different from a Solar Energy Engineer. There is no need to be highly educated to become a Solar Energy Technician. But a Solar Energy Engineer has to possess Bachelor or Masters Degree in Electronics or Engineering Background.

    Here I will discuss about Job Description, Courses available and Expected Salary of a Technician.

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    What Do Solar Technicians Do

    Solar technicians install, maintain, troubleshoot and test photovoltaic systems, which include solar panels, fans pumps and other equipment. They can work on residential installations, private business or utility scale installations. Solar technicians should be comfortable working outdoors. Not all solar installations are on rooftops, but anyone interested in becoming a solar technician should be comfortable with heights. The installation of solar energy systems may require the help of roofers and electricians, and so the solar energy technician needs to be comfortable working alongside other professionals.

    Solar Photovoltaic installers piece together, set up, and maintain rooftop or other systems that convert sunlight into energy. They will typically be responsible for planning the configuration of the PV system to meet the needs of the customer. This configuration will depend on the amount of energy required , the size of the building and the normal hours of sunlight for the location. The configuration may be constrained by the architecture of the building. They will measure, cut and assemble the structure required to support the solar PV panels, then install the solar panels and support structures in compliance with local building codes and standards.

    Solar energy technicians are also responsible for the maintenance of solar PV systems.

    How Much Do Solar Panel Installers Make

    How to Become a Solar Installation Lead

    According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics , solar photovoltaic installers made an average annual salary of $44,890 as of May 2019. While entry-level workers earned less than $31,600, the top 10% earned over $63,880. On average those PV installers employed by electrical contractors earned slightly more.

    The future for this occupation is very promising as the BLS predicts the number of solar technician jobs to grow by 51% between 2019 and 2029. This compares with a predicted growth of only 3% for other construction trade workers during the same period.

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    States That Require Dedicated Solar Certification

    NABCEP, or the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, is one of the leading certifiers for solar panel installation. The Solar Rating Certification Corporation or SRCC is another. The following states require a dedicated certification by these or other agencies:

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    How To Become A Solar Installation Technician

    Interested in becoming a solar installation technician? The energy industry reaches hundreds of millions of people every day. When a consumer flips their light switch, they fully expect the lights to come on. This is all thanks to the energy mix which generates electricity all over the country. A growing percentage of this electricity generation is coming from solar power. This is largely because of the growing environmental movement and the recognition that renewable energy resources must become a part of our future. Because of this, one of the most popular jobs available today is that of a solar installation technician. Without this important position, the energy grid would not have as much solar generated electricity flowing through it as it does today. So, what exactly does becoming a solar installation technician mean and what skills must you master to be hired in this field?

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    How To Become A Solar Technician

    If you’re interested in becoming a Solar Technician, one of the first things to consider is how much education you need. We’ve determined that 24.1% of Solar Technicians have a bachelor’s degree. In terms of higher education levels, we found that 1.8% of Solar Technicians have master’s degrees. Even though some Solar Technicians have a college degree, it’s possible to become one with only a high school degree or GED.

    Choosing the right major is always an important step when researching how to become a Solar Technician. When we researched the most common majors for a Solar Technician, we found that they most commonly earn Associate Degree degrees or High School Diploma degrees. Other degrees that we often see on Solar Technician resumes include Bachelor’s Degree degrees or Diploma degrees.

    You may find that experience in other jobs will help you become a Solar Technician. In fact, many Solar Technician jobs require experience in a role such as Electrician. Meanwhile, many Solar Technicians also have previous career experience in roles such as Solar Installer or Technician.

    How To Get A Job As A Solar Energy Technician

    Solar Energy Technician

    The qualifications to become a solar energy technician include a high school diploma or GED certificate and solar energy technician training, obtained through a certified program or on-the-job training. A training program can enhance your knowledge of solar energy systems and provide the hands-on experience you need to install, troubleshoot, fix, and maintain solar panels and their equipment. You also need excellent communication and problem-solving skills, and customer service experience is a plus. You can find solar energy technician positions with solar energy manufacturing and installation companies. If you are a self-employed contractor, you usually need a state license.

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    Requirements For Solar Installer Certification

    In case you are interested in getting a solar installer certification, you should know that you have to be at least 18 years old, and probably a high school diploma. Those are two elemental things that are required if you want to be a certified professional.

    There are two ways you can get to that point by getting an entry-level position and learning through the work for a year or two, or by attending a community college or vocational school course in this field. At the end of the course, students will have a NABCEP entry-level exam, which will, if they pass, provide them with the written proof they have obtained the fundamentals of PV systems. It is not a certificate, but it is a good start. After that, they will have to prove they have led three to five PV installation projects on their own.

    This way, you will get to know everything you need to about assessing the houses and buildings, their locations primarily, preparing the structure that will hold the entire system, installing solar panels, and connecting them to the grid.

    How To Become A Certified Solar Installer: The Complete Guide

    Do you want to become a certified solar installer but dont know which steps to take?

    In todays uncertain economy, its hard to know what fields are the best to step into and what career path will keep you successfully employed for years to come.

    The solar industry is one of the fastest-growing industries today.

    Solar installers and technicians are in high demand in marketplaces and many parts of the country.

    The solar industry is growing at a high rate, and being a solar installer is one of the best journeys to get started with a good career at this age.

    This time is the perfect time to enter the field and be a part of the future of the solar and renewable energy world.

    As solar technology has become more efficient and less expensive, solar installations are incredibly increasing.

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    How Much Do Solar Technicians Make

    Solar technicians salaries depend on experience, education, location, and additional skills. PayScale notes four categories of this professionsolar energy system installer, solar installer, solar panel installer, and solar technicianand salaries range between $12 and $27 per hour. Those with team leadership skills and experience earn more on average.

    The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the 11,080 solar photovoltaic installers across the U.S. earned an average annual salary of $46,850 with the following percentiles:

    • 10th percentile: $31,600
    • 75th percentile: $55,680
    • 90th percentile: $63,880

    For entry-level employees , PayScale indicates that salaries range from $20,000 to $51,000, according to reports from 179 energy system installers. The data also shows that entry-level workers earn three percent less than employees with solar energy/solar power skills, and two percent less than employees with roofing materials installation skills.

    Like all jobs, as solar technicians gain experience, their salaries increase. Payscale reports that mid-career solar energy system installers earn 23 percent more than average and employees with more than ten years experience make 73 percent more than average.

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    Making great money is one of the largest motivations for working in the solar industry. Compared to other fields, the starting pay is highly competitive in any job position, and salary growth is common. There is also massive room for growth and the more experience you have, the more money you can expect to make.

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    What Is A Solar Energy Technician’s Salary Potential

    According to the BLS, solar energy technicians made a median annual salary of $46,470 in May 2020. Employers do not always require applicants to possess a license to become solar energy technicians, but they often seek candidates with on-the-job training. However, states may require a license through the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners.

    Much like other professions, with experience, solar energy technicians can increase their wages. The bottom 10% of solar energy technicians earned less than $32,590 in 2020, while the top 10% made more than $64,600.

    What Does A Solar Energy Technician Do

    Businesses and residents need solar energy technicians to install, repair, and maintain solar panels. These professionals often work long days and travel to various sites to complete their work by sundown.

    Solar energy technicians must have knowledge of electrical systems since they wire and install panels to power grids. The job also requires a firm understanding of the National Electrical Code and local and federal regulations for solar energy. Communication skills also come in handy as solar energy technicians manage customer service tickets and work orders.

    Specific duties for solar energy technicians vary depending on the companies they work for and whether they handle residential or commercial jobs. Solar energy technicians often must:

    • Read blueprints and wiring and control diagrams to plan for construction
    • Understand local and federal solar energy regulations
    • Have an electrical aptitude and ability to map systems
    • Test and troubleshoot electrical systems
    • Install commercial and residential solar paneling
    • Perform routine solar systems maintenance

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    Solar Energy Technician Education Course And Training

    In order to become a Solar Energy Engineer, one must possess a Bachelors degree or preferably Masters degree in the field of Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, chemical engineering, computer software engineering with 3-5 years of practical experience in the field of electricity generation.

    Such engineers must have good knowledge of using power conversion station equipment, experience in high voltage substation projects, knowledge about How Solar Photovoltaic Cells Work, thermodynamics, AutoCAD, knowledge of industry standards, etc.

    However, no Bachelors or Masters degree is required to become a Solar Energy Technician. Anyone who doesnt even have a Bachelors degree can become a technician. However, they must undertake some courses and training in solar energy technology. Many vocational schools, trade associations and some engineering colleges offer such apprentice programs.

    Most such courses are of 1-2 Years that include less theory and more practical training. You will learn solar panel installation, testing and fault finding and fixing faults, maintenance, electrical wiring etc. Such institutes will offer certified technician certificate after completion of the course.

    Job Opportunities And Salary

    Solar Energy Technician Salary

    After completion of the course, Technicians can get job in Sector of Renewable Energy Sources, Solar Companies, Factories that Manufacture Solar PV Cells, or Installation of PV Panels, Solar Equipment Manufacturers, Manufacturers of Solar Products etc.

    Salary varies from country to country. Some technicians work on daily pay basis while other may get a job with monthly pay scale. Few others can even open their own business. On an average a Solar Energy Technician can earn something between US $ 12 to US $ 30 per Hour that adds upto $ 18,000 and $ 40,000 per year.

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    What Jobs Are Associated With Solar Energy

    Here are 11 careers in solar energy that range from entry- to senior-level and cover a wide range of disciplines: Engineering technician. Electronics maintenance technician. Solar fleet manager. Solar service technician. Solar PV installer. Solar sales representative. Solar site assessor. Quality assurance specialist.

    What Is A Solar Energy Technician’s Career Outlook

    Fossil fuels account for 80% of the world’s energy use. To decrease American dependence on fossil fuels, the Biden administration plans to create 10 million green jobs in a push to achieve 100% clean energy by 2035. As a result, the BLS projects jobs for solar photovoltaic installers will increase 52% between 2020 and 2030, with employers creating 2,300 positions every year. Businesses now employ some 11,800 solar photovoltaic installers. That number is projected to increase to 17,900 by 2030.

    The increase in solar energy use will create a greater demand for installers who must maintain and fix systems at residences and businesses.

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    Solar Certification And Licensing Requirements By State

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    According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, there were more than 42,000 new solar energy installations in the U.S. in the second quarter of 2014 alone. Along with the rise in desire for solar panels comes a need for more technicians who are qualified to install solar panels. While the job at first glance may not seem very different from other types of jobs in the electrical wiring industry, it does require specialized solar technician training. Certifications or licenses demonstrate that you possess the necessary knowledge and experience to work with solar technology. However, requirements differ by state. If you are thinking of adding solar panel installation to your skill set, learn what type of training you need in order to obtain the required credentials.

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