Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Is Sole Custody Mean

What Is Sole Custody Of A Child

Child Custody: What is Joint Legal Custody v. Sole Custody?

Sole custody is a term that refers to one parent having both physical and legal custody of a child. Sole guardianship gives the awarded party full rights to make decisions concerning the child without consulting the other parent first. A father with sole custody can relocate with the kids without seeking the approval of the children’s mother.

Benefit Of Sole Custody

The benefit of sole physical and legal custody is that the child lives with you and you don’t need to consult with the other parent to make important decisions about the child’s life, such as educational, medical and religious choices. Being granted sole custody does not impact the other parent’s right to visitation.

Sole Legal Custody Defined

The term custody refers to the legal and physical custody of a child. Legal custody is the authority to make decisions for and about a child.

Sole legal custody is when one parent has full responsibility to make major decisions for the child. The other parent doesn’t have a say, but often has visitation rights and the responsibility to pay child support.

The alternative to sole legal custody is joint legal custody, where parents share decision-making.

You need to specify in your parenting plan what kind of legal custody your family will use. This determines who makes decisions about your children’s education, medical care, religion, extracurricular activities and more.

Custody X Change is software that creates professional parenting plans and parenting time schedules.

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Pros And Cons Of Getting Sole Legal Custody In Canada

Even though sole legal custody allows one parent to have some right to their children, those rights can include the rights of decision-making, important issues, and so on. Despite having those rights, it also has some drawbacks too. So below are given some pros and cons of getting sole legal custody in Canada.

Do The Courts Ever Order Final Decision

I Want Custody of my Children

Only in rare instances. But there is precedent for it in the First and Third Judicial Departments.

The First Department, in Trapp v. Trapp 136AD3d 178, 526 NYS 2 nd 95 did not award joint legal custody, but allowed joint decision making in respect to religion and citizenship, finding the parents who were highlyantagonistic to each other, would not have to consult often on these issues which play a profound role in the child’s heritage.

In the First Department case of Mars v. Mars 286 AD. 2d. 29991 729 NYS 2d 29 , the Court awarded custody to the stay-at-HOME mother but vested final decision making on religion and dental care to the father. This was based on the fact that the father demonstrated greater interest in the children’s religious upbringing. On the issue of dental care, he was given decision rights because of his professional expertise.

Because the Court found both parents to be controlling, impulsive, self-centered and judgmental, and could not be trusted not to interfere with the other’s relationship with the children, the Court ordered that both parents were to consult with each in their areas of decision making.

In Davis v. Davis 240 A.D. 2d 928, 658 NYS 2d 548 the Third Department affirmed the Family Court order granting the mother sole custody. But the Court gave the father the ultimate decision-making authority in the child’s religious upbringing and educational needs.

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What Does Sole Custody Mean For The Other Parent

Sole custody usually means the other parent still has parental rights. When one parent is granted this by the court, that doesn’t take away the other parent’s right to be a part of their child’s life. Courts do not grant sole custody unless there is a legitimate reason. The goal of the court is to keep the family unit as cohesive as possible.

Sole Custody And Relocating

In regards to having sole custody of a child and relocating, it may not be as simple as it seems. Although the other parent doesnt have a say in the matter, the court may put a halt to a relocation if it threatens the visitation rights of the other parent. If the parents have to go to court over a possible relocation the court will usually issue a temporary order that maintains the status quo while the case is underway.

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Sole Custody Vs Full Custody: What Is The Difference

Basically, sole custody and full custody is used for the same action or meaning. They refer to the same thing. But in some provinces, full custody doesnt refer to any kind of legal significance. But in general, full custody is mainly referring to sole custody. And in sole custody, one parent will have full rights over their children. So the child can live with them permanently.

It is also a very important point to remember that the different jurisprudence explains or defines the custody definition differently. That is why in some jurisprudence, sole custody and full custody are not the same things. But in reality, they always refer to the same meaning.

Modifying Or Changing Custody

What is Sole Custody

When the court finalized your divorce, it issued a divorce decree. That divorce decree is a final, enforceable court order. But sometimes, some of that order doesnt work for you and your family and there are Post Judgment issues with the parenting plan.

A Motion to Modify can be used to adjust the terms of a parenting plan or custody agreement so that they more accurately reflect your childs needs as they grow. As always, any modifications to a parenting plan must be in the childs best interests.

Some examples of reasons a parent might file a Motion to Modify custody or parenting include:

  • Seeking a change from joint custody to sole custody or from sole custody to joint custody
  • Seeking additional parenting time
  • Changes to a parents work schedule
  • Adjustments to a childs school or activity schedule

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Difference Between Sole Legal And Sole Physical Custody

Even if you have sole custody, there are important distinctions between legal custody and physical custody — explained below — as you could have sole physical custody of a child, but joint legal custody which you share with the other parent.

  • Sole Legal Custody: One parent has the right and responsibility to make major decisions regarding the child’s welfare, including matters of education, medical care and emotional, moral and religious development.
  • Sole Physical Custody: The child resides with and under the supervision of one parent, subject to reasonable visitation by the other parent, unless the court determines that such visitation would not be in the best interest of the child.

Can A Parent Have Sole Custody In Wisconsin

Sole Custody in Wisconsin. Visitation can still be arranged with the parent and child, however, that parent will not have any physical or legal rights for the child. This typically occurs when substance abuse or mental health issues prevent a parent from fully engaging with a child. There are other instances that can lead to sole custody,

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Can My Child Choose Which Parent They Want To Live With

If your child is 11, 12, or 13 years old, the judge will consider the childs wishes, but the judge still has complete discretion. The childs wishes do not control the custody outcome.

The parental selection of a child 11, 12, or 13 years old is not considered a material change of condition or circumstance in order to seek a modification of child custody.

If your child is 14 years and older, the child does have the right to choose the parent he or she wants to live with. The parent the child chooses will be the custodial parent unless the court finds that the chosen parent is not in the best interests of the child.

The parental selection of a child who is 14 years and older can, in and of itself, be considered a material change of condition or circumstance when seeking a modification of child custody.

Sole Custody Is Physical And Legal Custody

What Is Sole Custody

If a parent is awarded sole custody of a child it means that they get physicaland legal rights over the child. This means they are in charge of all of the important decision making that pertains to the child. These decisions include:

  • schooling
  • religion
  • and medical care

Sole custody also means that the child lives with the parent that is awarded custody to. This parent has the right to move the child without the approval of the other parent. Although the parent with sole custody has decision-making rights they can not deny the visitation rights of the other parent.

Depending on what state you live in, in this situation, the parent without custody has visitation or parenting time with the child and they have to pay child support to the parent with sole custody. Additionally, they have no power to make decisions in regards to the childs upbringing.

Despite the fact that sole custody is an option, most states are awarding it less and less in favor of arrangements that increase the role of both parents in the childs life. Even when sole physical custody is awarded to one parent it is more common to award joint legal custody.

The court will generally reject a request for sole custody in a situation where both parents are deemed to be equally fit but are simply looking to avoid communication with each other. If this is the case, the parents need to work out a way to communicate effectively for the sake of the children.

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When Do You Get Joint Custody In Wisconsin

The Wisconsin child custody laws have changed since then, and now the Court assumes that joint legal custody is in the best interest of the child. In most cases, a child can only decide where he or she wants to live once they are emancipated, but this usually doesnt happen until they are 18 years old.

Making An Application And Going To Court

After reasonable attempts at resolution have failed in the pre-action stage, parties may file an application in the family court for parenting orders relating to custody, care time, and parental responsibility.

After submitting a notice of intention to claim, and after serving all relevant evidence, both parents and their legal representatives will have to attend a trial . At the hearing, the judicial officer of the court will listen to and contemplate all available and relevant evidence. Witness examinations and cross-examinations may form part of the evidence presented to the court. Evidence forms a vital part of the application and will be the basis upon which the rulings will be made.

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Types Of Child Custody In California

Goldberg Jones Child Custody, Featured Posts

Child custody battles are common in divorce and family law cases. As with most legal matters, its never entirely black and white. Its important to know the four types of child custodythe differences, similarities, and what each means. Knowing what options exist helps determine which type or types of custody best fits your situation.

Obtaining Sole Custody In Pa: A Guide

Joint Custody Versus Sole Custody in Ontario

Wondering how to file for sole custody of your child in PA? The child custody lawyers at Schwartz Law explain how and why sole custody is awarded to the custodial parent.

If you believe you should have sole custody, call us. Our child custody lawyers can help you show that sole custody is in the best interests of your child.

If your co-parent has filed for sole custody of your child and you wish to retain custody, we can help. Do not attend a Family Court hearing unprepared! Custody is difficult to regain once lost.

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Benefits And Drawbacks Of Joint Custody


The biggest plus of joint custody is that it keeps both parents involved in the childs life in a big way. Staying in continual contact with both mother and father benefits the children, and their relationships continue to grow over time.

Joint custody also puts the responsibility of raising the kids on both parents instead of forcing one to do the bulk of the heavy lifting.


On the negative side, regularly seeing your ex often leads to friction. Even when you divorced on relatively good terms.

If things were great, youd probably still be married. Shuffling the kids back and forth and maintaining a schedule is time-consuming and stressful for parents and children. Maintaining two homes gets expensive. Oftentimes, one parent may feel he or she is putting in moreemotionally, time-wise, or financiallywhich also results in conflict.

The are multiple types of child custody. Which applies to your case depends on the specifics of your situation. Knowing this information may impact how you proceed with a custody case.

What Does Physical Custody Mean

Physical Custody indicates where the child will be living. There are a couple ways physical custody can be divided:

  • One parent can be the sole physical custodian The other parent would be granted scheduled visitation or parenting time.
  • Both parents can share physical custody this means that the child will reside with each parent some percentage of the time.

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Pros And Cons Of Joint Custody

Joint custody has the advantages of assuring the children continuing contact and involvement with both parents. And it alleviates some of the burdens of parenting for each parent.

There are, of course, disadvantages:

  • Children must be shuttled around.
  • Parental noncooperation or ill will can have seriously negative effects on children.
  • Maintaining two homes for the children can be expensive.

If you have a joint custody arrangement, maintain detailed and organized financial records of your expenses. Keep receipts for groceries, school and after-school activities, clothing and medical care. At some point, your ex may claim he or she has spent more money on the kids than you have, and a judge will appreciate your detailed records.

For more information about child support, including how it’s calculated, see DivorceNet’s section on Child Support.

What Is The Difference Between Primary And Sole Custody

Child Custody and Parenting: The Legal Terms

Todays topic is one that I get questions about quite often. A lot of people find confusion between different types of custody. Specifically, I want to cover the difference between primary physical custody and sole custody.

Primary Physical Custody:

In primary physical custody, one parent has the children the majority of the time and has more responsibility than the other party in taking care of the children. Primary physical custody is used when you have a shared joint physical custody case, meaning that both parents do have access to the children. Normally, one parent has primary time with the child and the other parent has visitation rights unless otherwise specified by the court due to extenuating circumstances that would prevent one parent from having visitations.

Normally speaking, a primary physical custody arrangement is when both parents have rights to the children but one parent spends more time with the children. The children generally would live with the primary custodian, and the non-custodial parent will have rights to visitations.

In a primary physical custody case, both parents may have rights to make decisions in regards to the childrens welfare, such as decisions relating to religion, medical care and education.

Sole Custody:

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Best Interest Of The Child

In 2006 Australia passed the Family Law Amendment Act 2006 which changed the approach the courts take when assessing custody, care time, and parental responsibility. One of the most important doctrines to emerge from this amendment is the principle of the best interest of the child.

Under this presumption, parents share an equal responsibility by default until an order is made otherwise. This presumption is based on the idea that is it better for the child to have regular and meaningful contact with both parents. However as mentioned above, sometimes it is in the best interest of the child for one parent to have a bigger role.

Drawbacks Of Sole Legal Custody

A court order granting sole legal custody to one parent can be disheartening for the other if he or she is invested in helping raise the children.

For the parent excluded from major decision-making, resentment may build up. Over time, the children may view him or her as less important than the other parent because of the limited involvement in their lives. This can be a source of conflict within the family.

Another drawback: When a parent makes decisions alone, they don’t have the benefit of bouncing ideas off the other parent. It’s in their discretion whether to seek input from the other parent.

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Does Sole Custody Mean The Custodial Parent Can Cancel Visitations

No, even if one parent is granted sole custody, the court will often require visitations with the non-custodial parent. If the court believes that the non-custodial parent is unfit to look after the child unsupervised, then it may order supervised visits. Depending on the nature of the threat to the child and the relationship with the custodial parent, the supervisor may be the other parent, a friend or a family member, or it may be a professional. If it is a professional, then these sessions would be booked in advance, and it would be more difficult to reschedule.

If the parents are able to communicate on good terms, then the visitation schedules may be more flexible and informal. The Custodial parent should try to schedule visitations in advance and respect the pre-organized visitations when planning their and their childs schedule. Rescheduling should be mutually agreed to and not force the non-custodial parent to give up a visit.

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