Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Feed Baby Solid Food For The First Time

Transcript Of Mini Parenting Master Class On Your Babys First Foods Video

How To Feed Baby Solids First Time | Baby First Solid Food Recipes | Shikha Singh Shah Vlogs

Feeding babies isnt just about putting food in their mouths. Its also about them learning to eat. Its about them learning to enjoy their food. Its about a positive interaction between parents and babies and about food being part of that positive relationship.

My name is Dr. Purnima Menon and this is my Mini Parenting Master Class on your babys first foods.

Should You Feed Baby Solids Before Bed

The effect is not proven to be helpful. Adding solids or formula to a formula-heavy diet wont lead to babies going to bed more slept according to three studies. Contrary to expectations, there was no difference in the sleep patterns of babies before bedtime who received or received the infant solids compared to babies not given any.

Sample Baby Feeding Schedules

Your babys early days with solids should be about helping her get into the flow of mealtime with the family. Ideally, shell eat at times when everyone else is at the table, too.

Just keep in mind that, since the bulk of your babys nutrition should still be coming from breast milk or formula until she turns 1, those liquid meals should continue to take priority.

You can start off with just one or two solid meals per day whichever ones are most convenient for you.

For instance, offer breakfast and dinner if your cutie is in day care and you want the honors of feeding her solids. If its too hard to squeeze in dinner before her bedtime milk feeding, begin with breakfast and lunch.

As your baby hits 8 or 9 months and starts eating more foods , you can transition to three meals.

These sample schedules below may help you envision how solids can fit into your baby’s day just remember that every child is different. Your little one’s schedule may not be predictable or consistent until she hits toddlerhood. However, you might find that a typical day looks something like this:

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Be Vigilant With Hygiene And Safety Precautions

Always wash your hands before touching your babys food, and when preparing, make sure the surface is clean. Your food should not be offered as it might be too hot for them, so be sure to cool hot food and test it before.

Eliminate any choking hazards by cutting small, round foods such as cherry tomatoes into smaller, bite-sized pieces. You should also remove pips and stones from fruits and wash fruits and vegetables, too.

Watch For Feeding Cues

Baby Eating Solid Food (Carrot) for the First Time!

You want your baby to feel heard, seen, and learn to self-regulate their feeding. When babies are forced to have bites of food even when giving cues that they do not want to eat, it sends the message that their internal cues aren’t respected.

Remember: your baby cant speak up and say, Enough with the puréed peas already! It becomes essential for you as a parent to learn the subtle ways your baby communicates that they have had their fill.

For example, it is likely time to end the feeding when your baby turns their head away, clamps their mouth shut, grows fussy, or throws food.

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When Do Babies Start Eating Solid Foods

Most babies are ready to start solids between 4 and 6 months , but your little one’s individual development definitely tops the list when deciding whether or not it’s time to graduate to a more varied diet.

Though you might be eager to hop on the feeding bandwagon sooner rather than later, there are plenty of reasons why starting a baby on solids too soon isn’t smart.

First, a very young baby’s digestive system from a tongue that pushes out any foreign substance placed on it, to intestines still lacking many digestive enzymes is unready developmentally for solids. Plus, solids aren’t necessary early on babies can fill all their nutritional needs for the first six months of life from breast milk or formula alone.

Bringing on the solids too soon can also undermine future eating habits . And especially in formula-fed babies, early introduction of solids can lead to obesity later on in childhood and beyond.

On the other hand, waiting too long say, until 9 months or later can also lead to potential pitfalls. An older baby may resist being taught the new tricks of chewing and swallowing solids, preferring to cling to the tried-and-true methods of breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. And, like habits, tastes can be harder to change at this point. Unlike the more pliable younger baby, an older baby may not be as open to solids when milky liquids have long monopolized the menu.

When Is Your Baby Ready For Their First Bite

Whether you decide to go with traditional weaning , baby-led weaning or a combination of both, look for these readiness signs in your baby:

  • Around 6 months of age
  • Sitting with minimal assistance
  • Good control of their head and trunk
  • Bringing hands and toys to their mouth
  • Appears interested in food, possibly by reaching for or leaning forward towards food

Before you start weaning your baby, you should consult with your pediatrician to make sure your child is developmentally ready.

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Sample Baby Feeding Schedule For 7

This schedule assumes that your 7- to 9-month-old is taking two naps .

  • 7:00 a.m.: Wake and nurse or bottle
  • 7:45 a.m.: Breakfast
  • 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.: Nap
  • 11:30 a.m.: Nurse or bottle
  • 12:15 p.m.: Lunch
  • 1:45 p.m. 6 to 8 ounces breast milk or formula
  • 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.: Nap
  • 4:00 p.m.: Nurse or bottle
  • 5:30 p.m.: Dinner
  • 7:00 p.m.: Nurse or bottle
  • 7:30 p.m.: Bed

What Foods To Introduce

Baby Eating Solid Food for the First Time With Rice Cereal || 5 Month Old

Somewhere between 4 and 6 months old, you may begin to introduce first foods such as infant cereals, pureed fruits, pureed vegetables, and pureed meats. Start with about one or two tablespoons of food once or twice a day. It is important to make sure that some of your infants early foods contain iron, which is important for all babies health. Iron-rich foods include iron-fortified baby cereals, meats, and beans.

Once your child is about 8 months old and sitting up well, you may introduce finger foods such as biscuits, Cheerios, pasta, soft bread/toast, small pieces of soft vegetables or fruits, and shredded chicken or meat.

A note on constipation: Sometimes when a baby starts on solid foods, he will become constipated . If your baby becomes constipated, use whole wheat or barley cereal instead of rice cereal and avoid bananas and sweet potatoes, which are constipating. All the fruits which begin with P will help soften your babys stool, so give them often if your baby is having hard stools. If your baby is constipated, you may also give him 1 ounce of prune juice mixed with 1 ounce of water every day or two.

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When To Start Baby Food

Knowing when to start baby food is both crucial and tricky. Starting baby on solids too early means you might increase the risk of choking, obesity and bellyaches, but introducing solids too late means you might slow babys growth and encourage an aversion to solid foods, among other conditions. Fortunately, doctors have zeroed in on a sweet spot for starting baby food, which is sometime between 4 and 6 months of agethough, ideally, baby should be receiving their nutrition exclusively from breast milk until the six-month mark, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics . How to tell if its time for starting solids for your little one? Baby will give you clues, including:

Baby can sit in a high chair comfortably on their own. This is a major sign in terms of when to start baby food, says Lauren Kupersmith, MD, a pediatrician at Hassenfeld Childrens Hospital at NYU Langone in New York City. It means baby can hold their head up and doesnt need to be propped up to stay in the upright position, which is important to avoid choking.

Baby looks interested at mealtime. Babies likes to mimic what we do, so if your child likes to sit up like a big kid and watch you eat, then by all means let them try eating too.

Baby can move food to the back of their throat to swallow. But if baby tends to push the food out of their mouthnot because they dont like it, but because they cant seem to get the food to where it needs to gohold off on starting solids.

Feeding Your Baby Safely

  • Be sure to test how hot the food or liquid is before you give it to your baby. Do not heat milk or food in the microwave. It does not heat evenly and can burn your baby.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not put cereal in a baby bottle. It can cause choking.
  • Do not give your baby honey before she is 1 year old. They can poison a baby.
  • Do not use cows or goats milk instead of breastmilk or formula. They do not have the nutrition your infant needs.

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Your Babys Food Preferences

Every baby is different, and its fun getting to know what sort of food your baby likes. Some babies will devour solid foods as soon as theyre given them, while others prefer to have just breast milk or formula for longer. Some babies eat everything offered, and others have clear likes and dislikes.

Dont worry too much about your babys food preferences. Keep offering a range of nutritious foods so they can learn to enjoy a variety of food tastes and textures.

What Are Signs My Baby Is Ready For Solid Food

Feeding. Baby S First Solid Food Stock Photo

To decide if your baby is ready for the big step into the world of solid foods, look for the following clues and then consult your doctor:

  • Your baby can hold her head up well when propped to sit. Even strained baby foods should not be offered until then. Chunkier foods should wait until a baby can sit well alone, usually not until 7 months.
  • The tongue thrust reflex has disappeared. Try this test: Place a tiny bit of baby-appropriate food thinned with breast milk or formula in your baby’s mouth from the tip of a baby spoon or your finger. If the food comes right back out again with that tiny tongue, and continues to after several tries, the thrust is still present and baby isn’t ready for spoon-feeding.
  • Your baby reaches for and otherwise shows an interest in table foods. If she’s grabbing the fork out of your hand or watching intently and excitedly with every bite you take, that may be a sign that she’s hungry for more grown-up fare.
  • Your baby is able to make back-and-forth and up-and-down movements with the tongue. How can you tell? Just watch carefully.
  • Your little one is able to open wide. That way, food can be taken from a spoon.

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When To Introduce Fruit Juice

You shouldnt introduce juice before six months of life, and most doctors dont recommend giving babies juice very often. Juice has little nutrition and can cause diarrhea and tooth decay. When you do offer juice, serve 100% fruit juice and no more than four ounces a day. Offering water or juice at mealtimes is made easier and more fun with ourreusable silicone straws, which bend at the tip and can be cut to size. Even better: dentists recommend using straws to cut down on tooth decay. Straws bring the juice to the back of the mouth, leaving less chance for sugar to sit on those baby teeth.

Dentists recommend using straws to cut down on tooth decay

How To Serve Sweet Potatoes For Baby

Peel and slice the sweet potato into long strips that are half an inch thick. Place in a steamer basket and steam for 8-10 minutes or until tender when pricked with a fork. Remember, you want them soft but not overcooked. Overcooked sweet potatoes tend to fall apart when babies fist them. Let them cool and serve to baby. This recipe will last 5 days in the fridge.

Want more sweet potato recipes? Then head over to SWEET POTATO FOR BABY 6 DELICIOUS WAYS

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What Are The Best First Foods For A Baby

No matter what’s on the menu, if you’re introducing solids in the form of purees , the texture of your baby’s first foods should be super smooth and practically dripping off the spoon. If you prepare your own baby food, you should strain, puree or finely mash it, and then thin it with liquid if necessary.

As your baby becomes a more experienced eater , gradually reduce the liquid you add and thicken the texture.

Here are good first foods to start with for spoon-feeding:

Those early-bird specials get pretty old after a few dozen meals. Spice things up by adding:

  • Minced meat
  • Mashed eggs
  • Beans
  • Tofu

At 8 months, you can start trying finger foods to add a whole other dimension to eating.

Ready to serve up a combo platter? That’s fine, as long as you keep the foods separate for a while. Your goal is to get your baby acquainted with the taste of particular foods, so if you mush the meats and veggies together, she may never know the joy of just plain peas. Once she likes the taste of a variety of different flavors, feel free to mix things up.

Always hold off on honey and cow’s milk until your baby is at least 1 year old. Most doctors will, however, green-light whole-milk yogurt, cottage cheese and hard cheese by 8 months or so, or even sooner.

When What And How To Introduce Solid Foods

Feeding Baby solids food for the first time

For more information about how to know if your baby is ready to starting eating foods, what first foods to offer, and what to expect, watch these videos from 1,000 Days.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend children be introduced to foods other than breast milk or infant formula when they are about 6 months old. Introducing foods before 4 months old is not recommended. Every child is different. How do you know if your child is ready for foods other than breast milk or infant formula? You can look for these signs that your child is developmentally ready.

Your child:

  • Sits up alone or with support.
  • Is able to control head and neck.
  • Opens the mouth when food is offered.
  • Swallows food rather than pushes it back out onto the chin.
  • Brings objects to the mouth.
  • Tries to grasp small objects, such as toys or food.
  • Transfers food from the front to the back of the tongue to swallow.

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How Do I Incorporate Breastfeeding Or Bottle

Even though your baby is now slurping purées from a spoon , the bulk of her nutrition will still come from breast milk or formula. Consider the solids you serve at first as healthy supplements and a chance for your sweetie to explore new tastes and textures.

When should you bring out a bottle or your breast, and when should you dish out solids? There’s really no set rule. Some parents find that an appetizer of breast milk or formula is a good way to start off a meal, so their little ones aren’t too hungry to settle down to eat.

Other parents offer solids as a first course and breast milk or formula for dessert. Then there are moms who like to completely separate solids from nursing or bottle-feeding sessions.

Since there’s no hard and fast rule, experiment until you find a feeding schedule that works for you.

What Are The Best First Solid Foods For Baby

Baby cereals have traditionally been a common first food for babiesbut not anymore. While theres nothing wrong with baby cereal , theres no medical evidence that introducing solid foods in any particular order has any advantages or disadvantages for your baby. Theres also no evidence that starting with fruits before vegetables will cause your baby to develop a dislike for veggies.

A few tips:

  • Start with simple fruits, veggies and grains, and be sure to include a variety of healthy options.
  • Offer purees or check out baby-led weaning for a different approach.
  • Be sure to let your little one take the lead, and never force them to eat more than they want.
  • Always avoid honey for babies under age one, as well as cows milk on its ownalthough its fine to offer milk in other foods such as full fat yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • Get familiar with common choking hazards for babies and toddlers.

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What Should I Know About Food Allergies When Introducing Solids

Although it was once common to delay giving a baby certain foods like eggs, seafood, nuts and some dairy in the hopes of staving off allergies, the AAP no longer recommends doing so since the data shows that holding off on certain foods does not prevent food allergies.

In fact, the AAP now says that introducing allergenic foods like peanut butter earlier in a child’s life between 4 and 6 months and certainly by 11 months actually reduces her chances of developing a food allergy. Just be sure you’ve successfully introduced a couple of other solids first, and be sure to introduce the foods one at a time at home .

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