Sunday, May 5, 2024

What Is Solar Plexus Chakra

What You Can Do To Allow Your Energy To Pass Through

Solar Plexus Chakra Flow – 45 min Manipura Yoga for POWER

If you read the above information, you know why you want this chakra to be clear so energy can pass through. Now that you know the symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra, how do you open it? There are a few different ways to open this chakra. You can use chakra stones, meditate, or you can change your diet. Whatever way you choose to fix your alignment is up to you.

If you are looking to open your chakra by using the stones, certain ones will be best to use for this area. Since yellow is the color used to represent this chakra, it may seem best to use a yellow colored stone to open it up. For this reason, people choose to use Amber, which is good for confidence and clarity. If you are struggling to make decisions, or you canât seem to believe in yourself, use Amber. If you plan on using the stone method, you can also use yellow tourmaline to help put your chakra back into alignment. This stone is good for getting rid of any kind of negativity, which will help to boost your self-esteem and confidence.

If using the chakra stones doesnât appeal to you, you can try meditation and yoga. It always helps if you are experienced with meditation, but donât worry if you are not. This is very easy for beginners to learn. Whether you choose yoga or meditation, here are a few moves for you to try.

If you are looking to clear your solar plexus chakra, any of these methods should work. You just need to decide which one works best for you.

Learning The Basics Of This Chakra And Why Its Important To Open It

You probably already know about the chakras, but for those who donât, the solar plexus chakra is located in between the sacral and heart chakra around your upper abdomen. Represented by the color yellow, the solar plexus is related to a personâs self-esteem. So whether you are feeling great about yourself or not, that is because of your solar plexus chakra.

If you have high self-esteem and consider yourself to be a confident person, thatâs great! You probably feel this way because your solar plexus chakra is open and clear. This allows for your energy to be able to pass through without any problems, making you feel better overall. A clear solar plexus chakra allows you to forgive yourself when times are tough and you make mistakes, which is going to happen because no one is perfect. You will be able to learn lessons from these mistakes instead of beating yourself up over them. When your chakra is unblocked, you can be the best version of yourself.

If you are feeling bad about yourself and canât seem to find any self confidence, chances are your chakra is blocked. When that energy canât work itâs way through your body, you arenât going to be able to feel like yourself. You might feel like you canât identify your purpose in life, and you may feel helpless when you try to figure it out. When your chakra is blocked, itâs not the best feeling. Who really wants to feel sad and defeated all of the time? No one!

What Is The Solar Plexus

The solar plexus is a nerve center located in the abdomen. This center controls many of the body’s automatic functions, such as digestion and respiration. The solar plexus is responsible for the fight-or-flight response. When the body is under stress, the solar plexus can become activated, which can cause the heart rate to increase and blood pressure to rise.

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Herbs & Garden Therapy

For this chakra, some beneficial yellow foods include lemons, bananas, pineapple, corn, squash, dandelions, sunflowers, lovage, and sunchokes. Others you might want to try for their benefits are brown rice, oats, millet, quinoa, flax, and amaranth.

Herbs to try are milk thistle, ginger, turmeric, marshmallow, mint, lemon balm, fennel, slippery elm, and goldenrod.

Lemon and ginger tea is my go to when looking for balance in this area, sweetened with either honey or stevia.

I try to add ginger to my diet on a daily basis. Crystalized ginger is a treat, despite the high sugar content, which I really dont like. Following is the basic recipe I use. You can reduce the sugar, but you have to stay with it from beginning to the end of the cooking process.

Solar Plexus Chakra Stones And Crystals

Chakra healing

Another way to balance your solar plexus chakra is to work with yellow crystals or stones. Each crystal has specific benefits, so you can choose the one associated with the symptoms you are experiencing or the qualities you want to gain.

You can work with crystals in Reiki or energy healing sessions or simply have the stone in your house. Many people like to wear the crystal around their neck or keep it in their pocket to have it closer to their body. Here are some stones and crystals that are associated with the Manipura chakra.

  • Citrine: Repels negative thoughts, promotes happiness, and attracts prosperity. It is particularly beneficial for depression.
  • Amber: A powerful healer and cleanser for the body, mind, and spirit, It eases fears and phobias, draws disease from the body, and promotes self-confidence.
  • Rutilated quartz Enhances creativity and imagination, removes negative energy, and cleanses the aura.
  • Topaz: Promotes joy and abundance, aids metabolism and digestion, and improves mental clarity.
  • Yellow Tourmaline: Balances emotions, breaks up negative energy, and helps move energy upwards in the chakra system, diminishing blockages.

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Introduction To The Solar Plexus Chakra

Did you know that your solar plexus is an actual complex network of nerves and ganglia located in the center of your torso? If youve ever experienced getting hit by something hard in the stomach and feeling like you had the wind knocked out of you, its likely you were actually hit right in the solar plexus.

I lead with this because its important to differentiate between the solar plexus and the solar plexus chakra:

The solar plexus is the physical network of nerves and ganglia located above your navel in the center of your torso.

The solar plexus chakra, located in the same region, is the energy center in your body associated with your confidence, self-esteem, joy, motivation, and integrity.

The Best Crystals For Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

When it comes to crystal healing and your solar plexus chakra, go for yellows and fiery stones that speak to you on a deep level. Its always preferable to choose your stones in person so you can feel which ones youre most attracted to. If this isnt an option, be sure to ask the seller about their sourcing standards to ensure youre working with the real deal.

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What Happens When Your Solar Plexus Chakra Is Blocked

Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra This blockage can sometimes lead to solar plexus pain. While this pain may be centralized to nerve fibers around the solar plexus area, you can also experience: chest pain, stomach pain, anxiety, intestinal contraction, painful sensations in the upper abdomen or even severe abdominal pain.

Which chakra is associated with healing?

Solar Plexus ChakraManipura, The Solar Plexus Chakra It is also indicative of your power and how you can harness it. When we question our self-worth, it usually centers on this point. The sun is inextricably linked to this solar plexusbelieve it or not, laying in the sun is the most healing thing you can do for it.

Release Any Anger You Store Inside

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning (As explained by the yogis)

Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages

When done in conjunction with grounding, releasing pent up anger can help you to unblock your solar plexus quite rapidly. Our congested power is often expressed as blocked anger , so when we release that anger, we can access that energy again.

Try releasing your anger in a healthy way such as through vigorous exercise, punching, kickboxing, dancing, singing, writing, crying or expressing it through art.

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Everything You Need To Know About The Solar Plexus Chakra

Sitting above your navel in your upper abdomen is your solar plexus chakra, also known as Manipura. It is the third primary chakra according to Vedic tradition, following on from the root chakra and sacral chakra.

Like each energy center, the solar plexus plays an essential role in our spiritual and personal development. Even so, it seems to be one of the most popular chakras so lets find out what makes it so powerful.


What Is Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

Solar Plexus Chakra healing is the practice of opening, clearing, cleansing, supporting, and strengthening the solar plexus chakra within our bodies. Solar Plexus Chakra healing involves using a number of holistic remedies such as aromatherapy, sound, crystal, movement, and emotional therapy to re-establish harmony within the body-mind organism.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Poses

Explore these yoga poses to help you connect with your solar plexus chakra.

The Boat Pose

The Boat Pose cultivates strength in your inner core. As you hold your body in a V shape, you strengthen the energetic center of your solar plexus. The challenge of this pose is to root down to the earth while extending your spine upwards.

How to do it:

  • Sit with your knees bent and feet on the floor
  • Place your hands behind your knees, lift the chest, engaging the back muscles as you inhale
  • Engage your inner thighs and draw your lower belly in and up
  • Tip back on the back of your sitting bones and lift your feet up to about knee height, toes spread out
  • Connect to the solar plexus by placing palms skyward, welcoming confidence and healing energy from the universe.
  • To go further, straighten your legs
  • Stay for two to five breaths work up to ten breaths
  • To come out of the pose, on an exhalation, bring your feet down, and sit with a straight spine, holding on to your legs for a couple of breaths

Reverse Plank Pose

Reverse Plank Pose invites solar energy into your core. It promotes a full-body arm balancing strength and stretches tight muscles.

How to do it:

  • Begin in a seated pose with both your legs together extended forward
  • Place each hand beside the hips with fingers pointing toward your toes
  • Inhale as you lift the chest upwards, straighten the legs, and point the feet
  • Allow your head to drop back gently
  • Invite the energy of the sun into your solar plexus
  • Hold for five to ten breaths

Solar Plexus Chakra Stones

It Begins Within Solar Plexus Chakra Digital Art by BC Studio

When this chakra is not balanced, healing crystals and stones can help in restoring a good and healthy energy flow and balance.

If youre looking for chakra stones that you can use to activate, cleanse, and balance the solar plexus, here are just some of them:

Amber is a yellowish orange stone that you can use for balance and purification. When used on the solar plexus, it can increase your mental clarity and boost your self-confidence.

It can also strengthen your resolve to make your relationships deeper and stronger, and your existence in this world more meaningful.

Citrine is a lovely yellow stone thats also known as the success stone. Its also used to restore the balance and cleanse the third chakra.

When used correctly, it can increase your personal power and bring you back the confidence that you have lost.

Lemon Quartz is a yellow crystal that will infuse you with happiness and optimism. Its an excellent crystal that will activate, cleanse, and balance the solar plexus.

Yellow Jasper is also known as a protection stone. When used on the solar plexus, you will clear the blockages and restore this energy back to its proper balance.

Yellow Tourmaline is great for detoxifying the body. Not only will this yellow stone activate the chakra, it will also cleanse and align it with the other chakras in the body.

Tigers Eye is a goldish-brown stone that will give you overall protection. Its also a good balancing, cleansing, and grounding stone.

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How To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Your solar plexus chakra is your inner sun that fuels your intentionality, your direction in life, and the actions you are to take to reach your goals. And it significantly impacts your pursuit of social status and self-image.

Ready to heal your solar plexus chakra? Here are a few simple ways to do so.

Mudra For Third Chakra:

Hakini Mudra. Sit in an easy cross-legged position and sit up tall. Bring your hands to the height of your solar plexus, palms facing each other. Now touch the fingertips of both hands together and leave space in between the palms. The thumbs are pointing to your solar plexus and the rest of the fingers are radiating out, middle finger straightforward.

When our fire is strong, we dare to live our dreams and be out there in the world doing what we believe in, living in alignment with who we are.SHARE QUOTE

Meditate on the fire inside of you. Visualise a transformational fire, all things no longer needed burning away to ashes. Fire is needed for any aspect that involves movement in your life. Movement of the bowels, movement of the body, movement in your life. We want to maintain our inner fires, strongly burning, but not burning out. Fire is burning each day to transform our food into fuel for our bodies, to move through the day, and burning away whatever is no longer needed, no longer of service, no longer who we are. When our fire is strong, we dare to live our dreams and be out there in the world doing what we believe in, living in alignment with who we are.

And your mantra could reflect this vibrating mentally or out loud I AM STRONG or I AM CONFIDENT .

Yellow is the colour for this solar plexus chakra, so use it in during your relaxation or meditation. A nice and powerful visualisation is making your centre radiate like the sun.

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The Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance

The unbalanced third Chakra is a state of feeling powerless that sometimes leads to a quick giving up and sometimes to anger and struggle.

People who lack the sense of power are too afraid and doubtful to even set a goal, while others with an excessive Manipura-power might vehemently stride forward without any consideration and sensitivity.

This blocked Solar Plexus Chakra state is caused mainly by a lack of self-discipline. True self-discipline is the result of ones inner training in which one learns how to focus, concentrate and gather all of ones different forces. Its almost like taming a wild horse in order to safely and confidently ride it. There are so many influences and voices, both from inside and outside oneself. If one yields too quickly to any pressure, one literally lacks a center or core that can overcome all other secondary forces.

Manipura is strengthened through the ongoing process of overcoming obstacles and remaining faithful to ones own will. Overcoming includes the growing capacity to control and restrain inner forces, such as laziness and anger, fearfulness and doubt. In this sense, the blocked third Chakra is a state where any drive, impulse or influence can take over at any time.

Solar Plexus Chakra Color

How to Awaken the Chakras: Activate the Solar Plexus Manipura Chakra (Ep. 4)

Each chakra is associated with a specific color that reflects its unique vibration and frequency.

According to Tantric teachings, the color of the solar plexus chakra is yellow, linking to its association with the sun and the fire element.

Interestingly, in Color Psychology, the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior, yellow conveys competence and happiness. This association is very fitting as these are two qualities you can expect to experience with a balanced Manipura chakra.

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Physical Symptoms Of A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

The physical symptoms of a blocked Manipura can be expressed through any digestive disorder: general pain in the upper abdomen, a sensitive stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, bowel infections, heartburn, peptic ulcers, constipation or diarrhoea.

It is the general feeling of our mental, emotional and energetic digestive system that we cannot take in pressure or cope with stress, which correspondingly affects our process of physical digestion and extraction.

This might also lead to a physical inability to push away the burden of stressful impressions difficulty to get rid of toxins, as in liver weakness.

Consequences Of An Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra

An overactive chakra is one that receives an excessive amount of energy or is overstimulated. As a result, an overactive yellow chakra is associated with both emotional and physical pain. The yellow chakra is intimately connected with self-awareness, self-esteem, and emotional equilibrium on the inside.

As a result, an individual with an overactive yellow chakra may experience any of the following symptoms in any order or sequence:

  • Loss of self-esteem

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What Does Solar Plexus Mean

In anatomical terms, the solar plexus is the network of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen. Its location is behind the stomach, and the purpose of these nerves is to supply the abdominal organs with information. You can easily tell where your solar plexus is, as a blow to this area will create pain from the affected nerves.

Manipura is the Sanskrit name for solar plexus, which translates to city of jewels or lustrous gem. So what are these jewels? You can see the qualities of this third chakra as the jewels and the solar plexus as their keeper. This energy center contains fiery qualities like confidence, strength, determination, and personal power. So the solar plexus is essentially the city that houses all of this fire.

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