Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Keep Snow Off Solar Panels

Remove Snow And Ice From Solar Panels With A Leaf Blower

How to Remove Snow from Solar Panels

Lightweight, fluffy snow can sometimes be removed with a standard leaf blower. As with using a broom or rake, its vital that you still avoid standing under the roof edge, and use caution when on a ladder as its difficult to stay balanced when trying to manage a cumbersome leaf blower. Property owners should also ensure they keep electrical cords out of water puddles and away from other electricity conductors.

Blowing Warm Air At The Solar Panels

On the other hand, you may also opt for something that works like a solar panel snow melter by applying warm air to the solar panels. You can use this method to accelerate the process of melting snow piling up on the panels.

Before starting, its necessary to determine the best approach to execute this technique. To do it effectively, rig up a lengthy plastic air hose to a leaf blower. This technique will help blow the snow off the panels efficiently and accelerate the melting process of heavy snow accumulation.

Meanwhile, you might find this video about solar panel snow removal informative and helpful:

Spray Your Solar Panels With A Hose

Similar to the blowing warm air method, this snow removal method involves spraying your panels to dislodge snow and speed up its melting process. Its much easier to set up than the warm air method but has its fair share of downsides.

For starters, you have to know before a snowstorm hits that you want to use this method. That way, you can store your hose in your garage so it doesnt freeze up.

Of course, if temperatures are below freezing when you are trying to remove snow from your solar panels, absolutely do not use this method or you risk making the problem worse.

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Will Snow Cause Damage To Your Solar Panel Systems

Snow likely wont cause damage to solar panels because they are specifically designed to handle approximately two to four feet of snow without significant issues. Moreover, solar manufacturers ensure their consumers a specific amount of load the solar panels can handle without incurring any damage.

Hence, winter seasons are not a significant concern for the durability of solar panel systems.

Snow No More: Technology Keeps Solar Panels Clean

What to do if you have snow on your solar panels

See also:

Technology clears panels of wintry precipitation using small amount of panel power

When snow accumulates on panels, owners are advised to let it melt. Cleaning snow from panels with a broom, for instance, is not only unsafe, it could void a manufacturer warranty. But in cold conditions, melting can take days. While that may be a safe and acceptable option for some grid-tied users, off-grid systems could run out of reserve power, taking critical systems offline.

Blizzard Solar, an international company that specializes in innovative solar technologies, has developed a system to combat snow accumulation. The Autonomous Winter Solar Panel, or AWSP, lets modules operate efficiently in all conditions.

The system, which can be can be integrated into manufacturers panel design, senses the presence of winter precipitation on the panel. It then uses a minimal amount of stored panel energy to clear the panel of the snow, frost, sleet and ice. The technology can be used with framed or frameless panels, and is a significant cost-saver in terms of panel cleaning and energy maximization. The AWSP technology, which is for sale outright, could open new markets for PV distribution.

Although helpful, in most winter environments, the slanting of panels or implementation of trackers are not sufficient on their own to facilitate the effective removal of all winter precipitation.

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How Do Solar Panels Fare In Our Harsh Canadian Winters Not As Bad As You Might Think

A surprisingly large number of people still wonder “do solar panels work in winter?”

The simple answer is – YES.

Of course, here in Alberta or most places in Canada where it snows regularly, snow will reduce the solar energy output but not by much.

One of the common misconceptions about solar panels is that they won’t work at all through our Canadian winters. This could not be further from the truth. Although there is a minor generation loss due to snow coverage, the annual losses are not that great. The last point there is what really counts – the annual losses are not significant.

Why is this?

It is important to realize that the day to day production of the solar panels is not as important of a factor for grid-tied solar energy systems as the total annual production. Here in Alberta, electricity production/consumption is metered by the electrical retailer and credited on your bill – this is called Net Billing. This credit may be rolled over from month to month, so if you generate more solar energy than you consume , then you can draw from that credit during the winter when there is less sunlight.

The primary reason why winter or snow coverage does not detrimentally affect solar panels is because most of the total annual sunlight comes in March-October when there is little snow and the days are long.

Should I Clean It Off

Actually, no. In fact, most warranties recommend you dont. Turns out, the sun is likely to melt the snow on your panels much quicker than it would even on the ground or on your roof itself. With a little patience, you should be back to producing kilowatts of clean energy as usual.

If you are in an extreme situation and the snow isnt melting off, call your provider and ask them what you should do. They might even be able to recommend a panel cleaning service that wont void your warranty. But, in the end, its likely whatever you pay to clean it will cost more than what youll be able to save in the days it would take the snow to melt. So if you find that your panels are covered in snow, the best thing to do is just sit back and let the sun do the work. After all, thats what solar energy systems are for.

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Will My Energy Costs Go Up If My Panels Arent Producing As Much

Ultimately, the amount of energy collected during cold winter months is very low the days are shorter and the amount of sunlight reaching your panels will be minimal. Fortunately, because most on-grid solar energy systems work through a credit system, the energy you accumulate during the summer months will roll over to the winter months and keep you from spending too much on power.

In situations that are more time-sensitive, you can take extra steps to get your panels functioning back at full capacity. If you have the option, though, its generally easier and safer to just let the season run its course.

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Tips To Remove Snow From Your Solar Panels

First winter lesson learned how close to edge of roof should solar panels be to avoid snow buildup?

Theres always a real threat of snow covering your solar panels. Yes, snow can shut down the solar system for endless days, even when the sky is blue, and the sun is up. Happily, there are a few excellent methods of caring for snow-covered solar panels.

Consider these few:

Let it Melt

Just wait for the snow to melt. This is an excellent idea for those with rooftop solar systems that are 35 degrees and above. Why? Because snow is likely to melt quickly. However, make sure the roof is steep enough.

Build a System on Racks

Such a system should put the panels at an angle of 35-degrees. Make the tilt angle greater- this will make the snow slide off the panels quickly. Be cautious if you make the angle too shallow, it will rarely slide off.

Also, note that if you use a rooftop on a tilted rack during winter, itll shed the snow faster. In fact, it will be more effective during the non-snow months. Consider using a hydraulic rack system that you can tilt to shed snow and move down again.

Use a Heat Tape

Affix a heat tape to several parts of the solar panels. This might be effective, but beware- it could come with a fire hazard.

Use Microinverters

Microinverters typically allow individual panels to give the highest possible energy levels. This is the case, regardless of the surrounding panels situation. This method is recognized as a partial solution to the snow- covering solar panel problem.

Employ a Pulley-Operated Tarp System

Ice Melt Sock

Self-Cleaning Solar panels

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Allowing The Snow To Melt By Itself

Snow wont stay forever, after all. Since solar panels are generally set up facing south to absorb more sun, snow has high chances of melting during the daytime. The good news is that its easier for snow to fall off if you have roof-mounted systems. If theres dry snow, windy conditions can help make the melting process of the snow faster.

So, its not a severe problem if you dont clean solar panels covered in snow. Solar experts advise its better to do nothing because trying to get rid of the snow that covers your solar panels generally comes with some potential risks climbing on roofs can be dangerous, for example.

At the same time, not touching or causing damage to your solar panels can protect their warranty.

How To Keep Snow Off Your Solar Panels

Winter can be the most wonderful time of the year. And many people look forward to days spent sledding and starting impromptu snowball fights. But what can be a great resource to family memories can put a damper on your solar energy system’s energy production. If youre worried about your system after a fresh snowfall, heres some advice to get you through the winter months.

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How Snow Impacts Solar Panels

All these methods of clearing and keeping snow off solar panels might seem a bit cumbersome, but property owners should consider how snow impacts solar panels and their overall effectiveness. This information can help you realize why its vital to keep snow and other debris off those panels, and might also help you decide the best snow-clearing method for your property!

When Should I Remove Snow From My Solar Panels

Snow on Solar Panels: Dos and Donts

If you have a grid-tied system, interruption to your solar panel energy supply is not an issue. You can fall back on the grid to supply your energy needs.

Persons who live off the grid do not have the backup power the grid provides. A two or three-day interruption to your solar supply will deplete your energy stores. You could end up dealing with a blackout.

So, if you live off the grid, you may not have the luxury to wait.

It is always a good idea to have a backup power source if you live off the grid. You may want to consider a generator.

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Will The Weight Of Heavy Snow Hurt My Panels

Except in some extreme cases, the weight of snow will not hurt your panels. All solar panels are assigned a pressure rating which measures the amount of pressure a panel manufacturer is willing to guarantee wont hurt their product. Most panels are rated for a load of 5,000 or more Pascals , which means two to four feet of snow, depending on the snows density.

Unless you have severe and consistent snowfall, your panels will not be affected.

What To Consider While Removing Snow From Solar Panels

As removing snow from the solar panels all by yourself might be a little bit risky, you need to be very cautious while removing snow from the surface. You need to take some considerations before actually removing the snow. The considerations are:

Height: If the solar panels surface is too high for you to reach, then you better not try to clean it. As it is placed on the rooftop, theres a big possibility of you being in danger while cleaning the solar panels.

Safety equipment: Make sure you have safety tools before reaching up towards the solar panels to clean the snow up. For example, check if the ladder that you are using to reach for the solar panels is strong enough and will not break down easily.

Snow cleaning tools: The most important consideration before trying to clean the snow off from the solar panels is to check what you are using to clean the panels. You should use a soft brush to clean the surface rather than hard things as they can cause damage to your solar panels. Also, dont try to clean if the snow has turned into ice, as pulling it from the panels surface might damage the solar cells.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get the snow off solar panels?
How cold can solar panels get?

It is proven by a test that solar panels can get up to 15°C to 35° C temperature during winter. Although the cold weather doesnt damage the solar panels, they work a little bit less during cold weather.

Do solar panels work if covered in snow?

Final words

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Sweep The Snow Of The Panels

To do that, you can use a roof rake. With a roof rake, you can stand in your yard and reach the panels on your roof. If the handle is long enough and your solar system small enough, you should be able to get all of it off. Sometimes, that is not always possible.

You may be able to access the lower portion of your solar panel system. The upper part could remain encrusted with snow.

If you have a ground-mounted system, sweeping the snow away is even easier.

Tip #3 Use A Roof Rake

Clearing snow off a solar panel array

This tried and tested technique might be laborious but is one of the most effective in clearing snow from solar panels. You can invest in a roof rake with a soft rubber head that acts almost like a squeegee. Such tools should be available from your local hardware store and many come with telescopic handles, helping you to reach higher up the roof.

Depending on how much snow has fallen onto your solar panels, be sure to take adequate safety precautions. You will want to stay well clear of the path of the snow as you remove it.

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Compare Personalized Options For Solar

On the EnergySage Solar Marketplace, you can solicit quotes solar projects from qualified, pre-vetted installers in your area. If you have a question or concern about snow or snow guards for your solar panels and home, you can leave a note on your profile outlining your question, and installers will know that you want more information about what they can do to make your solar array efficient and safe in the winter months.

Make A Wire Gauge To Protect The Solar Panels

Since hail is like a bullet for your solar panels, a good way method is to install wire gauze over them. A wire gauge can increase their resistance against hail and impacts from high wind. The most efficient wire gauge you can install on your panels is a diamond pattern since its hard for hailstones to pass through without hitting any of those wires.

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Solar Panel Snow Removal Methods

Theres no denying that hiring a professional to remove snow from solar panels can be expensive. However, it wont hurt to spend a bit because you should prioritize your safety, and you should also think about your solar panels warranty.

Anyhow, if youre looking for some DIY methods of removing snow on solar panels, you may want to take a look at the following techniques:

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Keeping Snow off Solar Panels

Given the inherent safety concern of climbing on ones roof in the winter, its almost always better to wait for the sun and gravity to take care of any snowy panels. Its also a way to get a free cleaning. Snow bonds with dirt and debris and washes it clear of the modules as it melts.

Manually removing snow will likely take a lot more energy, risk, and expense than the value of the energy gained. A lot of snow will mean a longer stretch of no production, which may tempt owners to try to remove the snow. Other than a soft roof rake or broom, there are no safe ways to remove snow from an array, nor is such an action recommended. Stay warm and wait for a sunny day to melt the snow away.

These same considerations apply for flat roofs.

About the only time its worth trying to remove snow is for off-grid systems where daily energy production is critical. When the only energy you have is the energy you make, getting any snow off the panels will make a big difference. If you have a ground-mounted solar power system that is more accessible, it is generally fine to just brush off any snow as needed.

One additional concern for heavy snow to note is the added weight load of any snow accumulation on a homes roof. A lot of snow means more weight on the array and the roof. Fortunately, this additional weight is taken into account when designing the array structure and evaluating the roofs ability to handle the array in the first place.


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