Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Sell Your Solar Panels

Involve Them In The Design Process

What to know when selling your home with solar panels in Spartanburg, Greer, and Greenville SC

Many solar customers will have preferences on the design of their solar PV system. They may want the solar modules to be symmetrical or to locate them on the garage instead of the house roof. This involvement helps boost customer service and streamlines efficiencies.

Whenever possible, involve your customers in the design process because it helps make your customers more invested in the project and avoids issues when installation day rolls around. If your customers are unaware of the design, it can result in a change order or an installation delay due to last-minute alterations. Many solar design softwares provide an image of what the solar panel installation will look like, and sending that to the prospect can help them visualize the project in advance.

What If I Sell My Solar Home

Ok, so youre sold on solar, but you might not want to stay in your current home for the next 20 years. Hey, we get it! But if you’re worrying about how to sell your house with a solar lease, stop. Theres absolutely no reason to worry because locking in todays low electricity rates by going solar wont lock you into staying put for the next two decades.

In fact, having solar panels can actually make selling your home easierprospective buyers will love the idea of paying less for utilities, just like you did!And its not even hard to transfer your solar lease agreement and pass along those ridiculously low energy bills to the new owners. Talk about paying it forward!

Our Service Transfer Specialists handle everything from educating realtors and potential buyers, to working with escrow officers, title agents, home inspectors, and anyone else who might need to know about your system or solar lease agreement. Here are a few pointers to help you get ready:

See if you qualify for the26% federal tax credit

Solar Energy Rollovers And Reimbursements

Its not enough to know if your state or utility company allows net metering. You also need some understanding of the fine print, since not all net metering programs are created equal.

First, find out if net metering credit be rolled over from month to month. Similarly, what happens to unused credits at the end of the year? Do they expire? Are they paid out at a lower rate than monthly surpluses?

Its also important to determine whether your utility company charge a monthly connection fee. More importantly, find out exactly how much utility will pay for the excess power you produce through net metering.

The majority of states pay retail rates for surplus electricity so the utility pays you the same rate it charges when it sells its electricity to you. About 10 states, however, pay consumers avoid costs rates, which are basically what it cost the power company to produce its electricityand these are lower than the retail rate.

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How Much Can I Earn By Selling Srecs

A 10 kilowatt solar panel system will produce about 10 to 13 MWh of electricity per year on average, therefore earning you 10 to 13 SRECs annually. As we show in the table below, this can drastically improve the financial return of solar in some areas , and mean less than $200 in savings in others.


*SREC price based on Jan. 2021 selling values**Annual earnings assumes 10 13 certificates per year

More And More Homes Are Running On Sun: Its Not Just California

How much extra can you make selling your solar power ...

One piece of good news for home sellers with solar panels is that the residential solar market is holding strong. Despite the Section 201 solar tariffs that put pressure on the solar market as a whole, nearly 315,000 Americans added solar power to their house in 2018, representing annual growth of 8% for the residential sector.

California remains the uncontested leader in solar with enough capacity to supply 6.3 million homes . But states outside the top 10 solar leaders accounted for 25% of the share of residential installation sales in 2018 with Texas and Florida being stand-outs.

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the costs for installing solar panels has dropped more than 70% over the last decade and the market continues to diversify as more national and regional installers enter the picture. The 30% federal solar tax credit, which will start to decrease in 2020, has also made solar more affordable for many Americans.

Even as the market broadens across the country, homeowners whove opted to install solar still have to contend with a few logistics when the time comes to sell their house, including whats still owed on their system lease, the age of their panels, and making sure buyers understand the advantages of solar.

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Sell Your Solar Power Directly With Easegenerate Additional Yields On The Electricity Market With Ease

According to the Renewable Energy Sources Act , PV systems from 100 kWp are required to sell surplus power directly and cannot simply feed it into the grid for a fixed feed-in tariff. Many PV system operators avoid the time and effort involved in doing this and instead plan systems that remain just below this threshold. But they miss out on additional income that they could generate through direct selling.

Difference Between Solar Panels That Are Loaned Vs Leased

Installation of a solar system requires a huge investment. But not everyone can bear the upfront cost of solar panels. So, some companies offer financing options, like solar loans and solar leases, to make it easier for homeowners to install solar systems.

However, houses with owned solar panels and leased solar panels both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let us check out what makes both types of solar panels different from each other.

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Can I Get The Solar Panel Grant Now And Also Sell Power To The Grid In The Future

Yes. You can get a grant of up to 3,000 by installing solar panels now. You will then have your solar panels in place and be ready to sell surplus electricity from January 2022 under the Smart Export Guarantee. However, the SEAI grant scheme will likely end once the Clean Export Premium Tariff begins. So, if you want to take advantage of the SEAI solar panel grant and the Smart Export Guarantee, then make sure to do it soon! Enter your Eircode below to get started:

Solar Customers With Smart Meters

Can You Make Money Selling Power Back to the Utility Company?

Smart meters can measure both the electricity you consume and the electricity you export to the grid. So theyre the ideal tool to make sure that youre paid correctly for your surplus energy. Thats why the Commission for Regulation of Utilities wants all households to get a smart meter within 4 months of installing solar. They propose that households would automatically be scheduled for smart meter installation after notifying ESB Networks of their solar panels. This is done automatically by your solar installer before installation .

Requesting a Smart Meter

You can also request priority smart meter installation right now by following the steps below, according to your type of electricity meter:

Single-Tariff 24-Hour Meters

If you have single unit rate that you pay 24 hours, you can call ESB Networks on 01 698 5005 and ask to be prioritized for your smart meter installation.

Dual-Tariff Day/Night Meters

If you have day/night metering, youll need to contact your electricity supplier to request a smart meter. This is because traditional day/night tariffs will not be available with smart meters. Instead, you will be offered the more modern time-of-use tariffs. Therefore, youll need to agree on a time-of-use tariff plan with your electricity supplier before your smart meter goes in. Your electricity supplier will then request a smart meter on your behalf.

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Do I Need To Be Tied To The Grid To Participate In A Solarize Project

No, but this arrangement is generally most beneficial financially, at least in Duke Energy and Duke-Progress territory. Solar energy you produce is sent back out to the electric lines and is available for others to use. This provides greater community benefit for solar installations.

You also benefit because Duke credits you at the retail rate for the excess power that you produce .

Check With Your State And Utility Company

Over 40 states allow for some kind of net metering. Translation: households that generate electricity through residential solar projects can receive checks from the power companies for excess energy sent to the grid.

Heres how it works: while youre off at work during the day, the solar panels on your home generate electricity that gets stored on the grid as credits. You draw down those credits when you come home and turn on the lights, but if over time you generate more credits than you use, you can sell the credits to the power company.

The rules and rates for selling electricity to the grid vary from state to state, as well as by utility company. Some make it easier than others, and there are caps on how much each household can sell via net metering, to prevent people from fleecing the utility companies.

Recently, theres even been a push to make it harder for folks who generate renewable energy to sell it back to the grid. Opponents of net metering argue that people who generate their own electricity should pay the utility company for the privilege of using the grid. Its another reason to take advantage of the money-earning possibilities of net metering while you can.

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Net Metering State Laws

The first depends on where you live, since not every state allows net metering. Among those that do, the policies varysome are more favorable for the consumer than others. There are 44 states, as well as the District of Columbia, that already have mandatory net metering rules. Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and South Dakota do not have net metering policies. Texas and Idaho do not have mandatory state-wide net metering rules, but some cities and energy providers in those states offer net metering.

How Much Does It Cost To Move Solar Panels

Why You Should Have Solar Panels For Your Home

Taking your solar panels with you when you move will cost you a pretty penny labor costs for removal and reinstallation are quite high and transportation isnt cheap either. Besides, you need to cover the cost of repairing the roof of your old home where the panels were originally fitted and the cost of any required permits.

  • The cost to move solar panels can range from $4,000 to $8,000, depending on the size of the system and the distance to the new home
  • Patchwork usually costs about $500-$1,000, depending on how many panels there were installed on the roof
  • Permit fees for a roof-mounted residential solar system can be anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the city
  • If the new home has a different kind of roof than the previous one, there will be extra costs for adjustments, new racks and mounting hardware, etc.

The high cost to move a solar system is the main reason why many people choose to include the PV system as a fixture of the house theyre selling and have a new solar setup installed at their new property.

If you, however, prefer to bring the solar panels youve already invested in with you or if it just makes more sense in your particular relocation case , you need to know how to make the process as safe and smooth as possible.

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Is The Seg Less Generous

It would seem so. Homeowners will only be paid for the energy they export back to their energy supplier. A smart meter is required to show exactly how much. There is no longer a generation tariff so it is likely to take much longer before the initial costs are covered by the SEG payments and energy savings. Unlike the FiT, the export price is not set by government and there will be no long-term contracts. Typically, consumers will be able to secure short-term fixed rates or opt for a variable rate which will pay the market rate for energy at the time it is exported.

Why Solar Is A Ripoff

Companies have misled consumers about the true costs of installing solar panels, provided shoddy craftsmanship, and left homeowners with higher utility costs, all while forcing them to sign unconscionable contracts that leave little possibility of recourse. Two companies in particular stand out: Vivint and SolarCity.

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Evaluate Offers From Installers

What is net metering?

One of the most common questions people have about solar is what happens if my panels produce more energy than my home uses? In almost every state, if your solar panels generate more power than you consume, you can send this power back the utility and receive credits on your next monthly utility bill. This is known as net metering. At the end of the year, if you have credits leftover, you have the option to continue to roll the credits over to the next year, or receive a cash payout for the value of the credits.

Limits On Selling Solar Energy

How to sell solar in 120 seconds

You should also check and see if your utility or state impose limits on how much surplus electricity you can sell back to the power grid. Many states have limits. Knowing the cap might help you decide how many solar panels you want to install. On the other hand, if solar net metering limits are generousor non-existentyou may choose to be more liberal in the size of your solar panel system.

However, net metering should not be the primary consideration when designing a household solar panel system. Its usually more cost effective to focus on roof angle, orientation, and area, as well as your average electricity usage, when sizing your system. Remember that when you install a solar energy system, there are options for upgrading to solar home heating and cooling, solar pool heater installations, and more.

There are very few states in which surplus solar energy sales can exceed a consumers average usage. This makes sense, since solar net metering policies are designed to encourage residential solar panel usage, not the building of commercial scale solar farms. In fact, almost half of states that allow net metering limit it to 1 megawatt .* Others have even smaller caps: Vermont and Wisconsin allow net metering for systems up to 20 kilowatts .

Massachusetts offers a generous 10 MW limit for certain systems. New Mexico tops that with an 80 MW cap. A few have no net metering capacity limitnamely Arizona, New Jersey, and Ohio.

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Where Youre Moving To

The distance of your move and the rules and regulations in your new area are the first things to take into account:

  • If youre moving locally and within service range of the company that originally installed your solar system, they will likely agree to remove the panels and reinstall them at your new home. This is the best way to move a solar setup the experts will take care of the process from start to finish, will have the specialized equipment and technical know-how to handle the removal, transportation, and reinstallation of the panels in the safest and most efficient way possible, and your warranty wont be voided
  • If youre moving long distance, the company that installed the photovoltaic modules on your old home wont be able to help you, it will be up to you to find a way to uninstall, transport, and reinstall your solar system, and your warranty will be voided. The process will be extremely difficult, risky, and expensive and probably not worth it
  • If youre moving out of state, you need to check the pertinent rules and regulations in your new area and find out what standards the solar system must meet and what permits are necessary for photovoltaic panel installation. You also need to consider the tax incentives, grants, and feed-in tariffs in your new state.

Identify The Right Product

i) If your customer already has a battery backup

You should supply a solar panel with thrice the capacity of the batteries. For example, if the customer has a 150A battery, you should recommend a 500W solar panel, so that the battery gets fully charged during the whole day.

ii) If your customer gets high electricity bills

If the customer is getting an electricity bill of more than Rs. 1,000 per month he can get an AC module installed and can even expand the system if need be.

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What Do I Need To Watch Out For

We recommend that you get independent legal advice on the details of the contract, whether you have free solar panels or are considering solar buyback. You should consider who owns the system what happens if you want to end the contract early who is liable for damage who pays for insurance, upkeep and repairs and what happens if you move.

The Renewable Energy Consumer Code provides a list of

There is a file available for download. . This file is available for download at .

on its website, which you should expect rent-a-roof scheme companies to provide. It’s certainly worth having a look before signing up to any contract.

Is Arizona A Good Place For Solar Panels

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Arizona is one of the sunniest states in the U.S. therefore, a solar panel installation in the state will likely produce more energy annually than a system of the same size installed elsewhere, such as in the Northeast. There are additional factors that determine how much solar electricity you can produce.

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