Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Much Power Does A 6.5 Kw Solar System Produce

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How Much Power Does A 5kW Solar System Produce?

Your long-term energy needs are something well worth considering when deciding on a solar power system. After all, they are an investment that will be with your home for a decade or more, and your energy needs are likely to change over time, so when considering a smaller size system, its worth considering if it will still meet your needs down the track.

Are you planning to expand your family, install a future battery, buy an electric car, switch your gas hot water system to an electric iStore heat pump? Or perhaps simply run appliances more freely such as the air conditioner and clothes dryer?

Though it may be more expensive in the short term, installing a larger solar energy system to make sure that your solar energy system can account for your increasing energy needs is a smart, cost-effective strategy that ensures your power bills stay down.

In fact, a recent report by the Alternative Technology Association found that larger solar systems are better Bang for Buck i.e. not only do they deliver higher savings, but also quicker payback periods .

Why Is The Inverter Only 5kw

Yes, this is something that confuses many people. There are a couple of reasons why a 5kW inverter is often used with a 6.6kW solar energy system.

  • A 5kW inverter is cheaper and pre-approved for grid connection
  • Greater choice of 5kW inverters on the Australian market
  • Many electricity distributors allow 5kW inverters to be oversized by133%

So a 5kW inverter can handle a 6.6kW solar energy system easily.

There are 6kW inverters available. They are more expensive, there is less choice of brands, and they are not pre-approved for connection to the grid.

Under the AS/NSZ 4777 standard, most distribution network service providers allow single-phase inverters up to 5kW or 3-phase inverters up to 30kW.

Its possible to get an inverter larger than 5kW approved for grid connection. But theres a lot more red tape involved, and unless youre going to run a commercial system, its generally not worth the hassle.

Inverter size is measured in kilowatts . The rating is the maximum capacity of solar-generated electricity the inverter can safely handle.

There is a simple rule:

  • The maximum output of the inverter must be equal or greater than 75% of the solar panel array maximum output.
  • This explains the oversizing mentioned earlier. The maximum output of the solar panel array can be 133% of the maximum rating of the inverter.

How Much Electricity Generation Can I Expect From A 6kw System

Factors such as installation location, solar panel orientation and component quality come into play, but generally speaking a 6kW PV system should generate around 24 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, which is more than the average Australian household uses daily.

Dont forget youll be receiving feed-in tariff payments for your surplus electricity and there will be times when the extra oomph from a 6kW system could go a long way to reducing those nasty peak period electricity costs during daylight hours . Bear in mind self-consumption is key to getting the most from a system of this size.

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How Much Should I Pay A Contractor To Install The Solar Kit

Any licensed general, electrical or solar contractor can install our solar kits. If you select to hire a contractor to install your solar kit, you should expect to pay approximately $1.00 per watt for labor, wire, conduit, fittings, breakers and other miscellaneous electrical components to complete the solar system installation. For a 6 kW system, which is 6,000 watts, you can expect to pay $6,000 for installation. If needed, we can assist you with finding a contractor.

C Oven/ Cooktop 2400w Per Hour

10kW Solar System Cost

Ovens like hot water heaters sap quite a bit of energy. Although most households do not use them daily. A lot of the time we will use the cooktop for a maximum of an hour per day which actually uses less energy than the oven.

d. Television set 100w per hourYour typical plasma television set with a 50inch screen with no real special energy efficiency will only use about 100kw per hour. Obviously, the larger the screen and the brighter the settings the more power it will use, but television is a very low consumption appliance as compared to some of the others.If you are really looking to excel in the power consumption department, you are best switching to a LED television. Like lights, LED screen s are a lot more energy-efficient and will only use about 38Watts of power per day.

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So How Much Do You Have To Pay To Avoid Buying A Cheap 66kw Solar System

The first thing most people do when they search for a 6kW solar system is to find out the price for a full installation. Here are some typical ads you will see in your search results:

And what about this one! The bottom of the solar market just keeps getting cheaper:

If you are new to solar power, your very first online search could have you believing a good quality 6kW solar system costs between $2500 and $4000. The ads above include words like premium and tier 1.

It all sounds great except its not.

These prices are far too cheap for a good quality 6kW solar system, and by considering this price range you are descending into the murky waters of the cheap end of the solar market.

Factors Affecting Solar Panels Generation

Before we dive deep into calculating the power generation of one solar panel there are three major things that we need to understand which affects the power generation of solar panels.

  • Geographical Location If you live in countries where there are more sunny days than the average electricity generation will be more for you. I live in Mumbai, India here we receive at least 5 sun hours daily for 300 days in a year, hence one solar panel produces more power in Mumbai in comparison to areas which receive 200 days of sunlight.
  • Type Of Solar Panel Used For residential and commercial purposes there are mainly two types of solar panels that are commonly used, mono crystalline and poly crystalline solar panels. To keep it short mono crystalline have more efficiency than poly crystalline , which means it convert 2-5% more sunlight into electricity. It also has good low light generation. You can read more on types of solar panel over here Types of Solar Panels.
  • Installation Parameters: If your solar panels are not properly oriented, not given proper inclination and installation is done in shadow affected area then the overall generation will be hampered big time. Also after installation cleaning plays a major role in maintaining the solar panels generation to expected level.
  • So now we know the parameters that play vital role in solar panels generation, we can calculate the power generation of one solar panel.

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    How Much Is A 5kw Solar Battery

    A battery system for a 5kW solar unit costs generally between $1,300 to $2,000 per kWh. So for a 5kW system you might be looking at a total for the battery storage of around $7,000 to $10,000. The average time it takes to recover that initial outlay through reduced power costs is now below 10 years.

    How Much Revenue Can A 2kw System Earn

    kW & kWh The Difference Between The Two & How They Relate To Solar Panel Systems

    The amount of payback money you get from a 2kW system will depend on the time you use power in your home. If the house is empty for most of the day and energy is being exported then you will be getting paid for that power at whatever your feed-in tariff rate is, around 8c per kWh at the time of this article. However, if you are using most of your solar electricity during the day then you will be saving much more as the price of power from the grid is always much higher than the export price paid back to solar power system owners.

    Take a look at the three possible outcomes below.

    • 1. All the electricity your 2kW system generates is consumed in your home, and this will save $900 to $1100 for the first year and up to $24,990 in 25 years.
    • 2. Half of the electricity from the system is exported, this would be a saving of $600 to $700 in the first year of operation.
    • 3. 100% of the electricity from the solar system is sold back to the grid saving you about $200 to $300 in the first year.

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    How Long Is The Payback Period For 6kw Solar Systems

    Your solar installer should give you a full payback analysis before you go ahead with the installation. Typically, the system will pay for itself in 4-5 years. This assumes that the system design is a good quality one, optimised for your location and level of electricity consumption.

    Another way to look at it is this: you can choose to finance the purchase of your solar energy system. When the savings on your energy bills are enough to cover the monthly financing cost, the system will pay for itself from day one.

    How Much Electricity Does One Solar Panel Produce

    Before we start with the calculation lets get used to some basics terminology

    • Watt and kilowatt are units of power. It basically shows the rate at which power is consumed by a device. For example a 100 watt TV will consumes power at a rate of 100 watts per hour. 1 kilowatt = 1000 watt.
    • Kilowatt hour is the actual energy consumed by the device in an hour. For example a 100 watt TV running for 24 hours consumes 100 watt x 24 hours = 2400 watt hour or 2.4 kilowatt hour of electricity a.k.a 2.4 units of electricity.

    For more detailed explanation check this article What is watt, kilowatt and unit of electricity?

    On an average in India we receive 5 sun hours in a day so the total power generated by 1kW of solar is 1 kW x 5 hours = 5 kilowatt hour .

    This is an ideal figure which considers uniform solar irradiance throughout the day, proper installation with best orientation, angle of tilt and no shadow impact on solar panels for 5 hours without any dust accumulation on surface.

    If we calculate for ideal condition then average monthly power generation from solar panels will be 5 KWH X 30 Days = 150 KWH of electricity.

    But not all days are equal some day we will get sunlight some day we wont, some days the panel will be clean and some days they wont be, hence we will assume 20% loss of power which gives us average daily generation for 1 kW solar panels to be 4 KWH of electricity and monthly generation to be 120 KWH of electricity.

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    Benefits Of Going Solar

    • Federal government provides a 26% tax credit on all residential solar installations until 12/31/2022.
    • Some state & local governments as well as some utilities are also offering financial incentives to homeowners.
    • Investing in solar on your roof provides 6%-13% return on investment, better than most other investments today.
    Buying Solar

    Homeowner can fully customize and upgrade solar PV system at any time

    Homeowner locked into leasing company’s choice of solar PV system

    NOTE: Prices are based on average layout with average length wire runs. Your Complete Solar Kit will most likely be a couple hundred dollars below or above depending upon you home’s requirements.

    NOTE: You should also budget for shipping cost and if you’re in California, Sales Tax.

    NOTE: Production values can vary greatly, the numbers here are estimates based on averages.

    Call to give us details about your house and we can quickly provide a good estimate of how much the kit would produce if installed at the proposed location under proposed tilt and azimuth. You’ll need to provide your zip code, your roof tilt and compass heading of the roof pitch.

    Cheap 66kw Solar Systems

    10 kW solar system

    Most of the 6.6kW solar systems you see advertised online are far too cheap they use no-name panels, and we hear stories every week of people being left high and dry by installers who go belly-up, or simply wont return phone calls. Many of these cheap 6.6kW solar systems are between $3,000 and $4,500.

    Cheap 6.6kW solar deals have become such a problem, it is estimated an incredible 1 in 3 solar systems in Australia are unsupported due to either the manufacturer or the installer going under.

    To give you some idea of the problem we have with cheap solar, here are the number of solar manufacturers currently operating in Australia compared to 2013 most, if not all of the systems from the manufacturers may no longer be in Australia and so are now without a valid warranty:

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    This Post Has One Comment

  • Chuba NIC1 Sep 2020Reply

    Sir,Alternative energy, specially the solar energy is hype now a days but is it affordable for a middle class common man in India?The cost of initial installation of the system is very high and also one needs to replace the batteries every few years, say 3 to 5 years approx. The cost of a typical Tubular Battery, 150Ah/12V is around (Rs.12,000/- to 18,000/- and the captive power generated by one single battery will never be enough even for a middle class family of 4 to 6 people who uses average 3 fans, one TV and a small fridge, no Air Conditioner please.So every 3 to 5 years just to replace 2 numbers of batteries, it will incur a minimum expenditure of Rs. 30,000/- average, plus another few thousand extra expenses if the solar inverter goes bad.

    Kindly enlighten me whether my views are correct or not. I need guidance.

  • Who Can Benefit From A 10kw Solar Panel System

    As energy prices increase and with more people looking for ways to live more sustainably, 10kW solar panels are becoming increasingly popular. If you have a large family or your household uses a lot of energy, consider the benefits of a 10kW solar system. This size solar energy solution can also be great for small commercial operations, such as restaurants, small offices, and health clinics that want to save on energy costs.

    Installing a large solar power system can also increase the value of your property. This is because youll already have a solution in place that can handle the energy needs for most homes and small businesses.

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    Why Do Some People Advise Installing A 66kw System

    The 6kW solar energy system has been the most common for domestic installations for some time now. But you can install a system with greater capacity, a 6.6kW system. This is based on the capacity of the solar array not the inverter.

    Why do this?

    CEC regulations for domestic solar energy systems state you can have a system with a 5kW inverter and 6.6kW capacity of solar panels. This is 133% × the inverters maximum capacity.

    You should do this to maximise the STCs you can claim. The number of STCs created for your system is based on the capacity of the solar panels, not the capacity of the inverter.

    So you get more of a rebate because you have more solar panels. You get the best value for your money this way!

    With a good feed-in-tariff, the maximum solar array capacity of 6.6kW will give you the best payback period. It will also maximise your income from the excess solar electricity exported to the local electricity retailer or DNSP.

    Home Energy Consumption Versus Solar Pv Generation

    Calculating the KWH Your Solar Panels Produce

    A previous article on this site looked at the first part of that answer, how much energy your solar cells will produce. Here we learnt that the amount of energy a 1kW system produces varies depending on where it is located in Australia.

    The last two articles in this series have explored the second part of that answer how much energy you consume in your home .

    They told us what we use our energy to power, when we use it, what uses most of it and also some hints on how to use less. Here we also learnt that the amount of energy the typical home consumes varies depending on where it is located in Australia. In this article, we stitch those two parts together to find the answer to the question of how much a typical home might export to the grid.

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    Going Over 666 Kilowatts

    There are ways around the 6.66 kilowatt limit for homes with single phase power, but they are not always permitted or practical:

    • Some DNSPs allow more inverter capacity or you can apply for special permission for a larger system.
    • Inverters can be export limited so they wont send more than 5 kilowatts of power into the grid. Not all DNSPs will allow this, but if export limiting is an option I suggest looking into it if you have enough roof space for a large solar system.
    • Install a solar power system that doesnt export to the grid. As it doesnt send power into the grid you dont need your DNSPs permission to install it. The drawback is you wont receive a feed-in tariff for any surplus energy produced
    • Have your home upgraded to 3 phrase power. This may only cost around $2,000 but often costs more than twice that.

    Young Damien is very upset his parents are only allowed to install 6.66 kilowatts of solar. He wanted exactly one hundred times that amount. He feels quite beastly about it.

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