Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do Solar Panels Reduce My Electricity Bills

What Are The Benefits

Do Solar Panels REALLY Lower My Electric Bill?

The biggest benefit of having solar panels installed is that you will save on electricity costs. If your solar panels are large enough, you may be able to produce enough electricity for your whole home.

The Energy Saving Trusts solar energy calculator will give you an estimate on how much you could save.

Another benefit is that you will be reducing your carbon footprint. The Energy Saving Trust says a typical home solar PV system could save around 1.3 to 1.6 tonnes of carbon per year, depending on where in the UK you live.

How Much Do Solar Panels Save On Electricity Bills

Solar panels are priced per watt, meaning the price of a system scales fairly constantly the larger it gets. As of 2019, the average price per watt for solar panels in the US was about $3. Most residential solar panels are rated 5-10 kWp, or kilowatt peak, which means they can produce that many kilowatts during their peak production. The full price of an installation anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000, but thanks to rebates and tax credits, most homeowners pay much less than this.

The amount of savings your solar installation will deliver depends on its size, as larger systems are simply able to collect more sunlight. The angles at which solar panels are set will also affect their efficiency and whether or not solar panels are a worthwhile investment. With an average of 310 sunny days a year, Las Vegas is an ideal location for solar panels. With the basics out of the way, we can begin to look at the factors that influence how much a rooftop solar array can save you.

When Your Bill Looks Too High: 3 Possible Reasons

Sometimes, homeowners call us surprised. In most cases, theyve just received that first true up bill, and the total seemswrong.

Maybe it looks too high, or they used more electricity than they expected they would. In these situations, its easy for a homeowner to get a bit panicked, believing their system isnt working, or that they made a mistake installing it.

Fortunately, this is seldom the case. Here are a few reasons a solar bill might look too high following the installation of a residential system:

Also Check: How To Measure Sunlight For Solar Panels

How Much Is The Average Electric Bill

Your home is far from average. But for the sake of conversation, lets talk about averages.

According to recent figures from the Energy Information Administration , the typical U.S. household uses approximately 10,766 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year.

Their monthly average is 897 kWh. And, the household pays 12.57¢ per kWh. Thus, the average Americans electric bill rounds up to $113 per month .

Heres a price comparison of electric costs in two states that help create that national average. In 2018, Colorados average monthly electric bill was $105, with an average yearly cost of $1,260. On the high side for that same time frame, Connecticuts figures were $186 and $2,232, respectively. See below for a detailed look at various average electricity bills within the states Sunrun operates in.

Average Electricity Bill by State 2018 Data**


How Does Solar Power Reduce Your Electricity Bill

Does installing solar power reduce my electricity bills?

How does solar power reduce your electricity bill? More than two million of Australian households now have rooftop solar panels. We solarWorldpower are working to enhance the supply of renewable energy through innovation that will help to reduce the power bill significantly. However, Using solar panels will not only reduce your electricity bill but also make you a contributor to the fight we are fighting against global warming. By connecting investment, talents, and technologies to ensure more innovation, we are focusing on building the foundation of a renewable energy ecosystem in Australia. We believe in sustainability, along with providing the best value to our customers.

We offer three packages from which you can choose the appropriate package according to your convenience. zero your electricity bill with solar power.

  • 4 kW System: The 4-kilowatt package is targeted at small houses. With this package refrigerator, energy-efficient lights , LCD TV, washing machine , dishwasher can be run easily. And this package manages to save your bill up to 250-300$. 16kw electricity generates per day.
  • 6.6 kW System: Though the number is odd 6.6kw Solar System is said to be the standard size for homes in Sydney as it produces enough power to meet the requirement of medium and large houses. It is not only powerful but also affordable in Sydney. It is also easy to get.
  • Why 6.6kw Solar System:


    Maintenance cost:

    firstly, How many panels for a 6.6kw solar system?

    Also Check: How Does No Cost Solar Work

    How To Get The Most Out Of Solar Panels

    If you decide to proceed with the installation of solar PV panels, take a look at these tips to ensure you get the most out of them:

    • Use more electricity during the day: Solar PV panels are most effective during daylight hours, so think about carrying out tasks such as washing and running the dishwasher during the day, rather than overnight. If you are usually out during the day, inbuilt timers for appliances can come in handy.
    • Consider other renewable systems: If you are able to, it can be worth combining solar PV panels with other renewable technologies such as heat pumps, thermal panels and wind turbines.
    • Install a solar battery or energy storage system: As mentioned above, this allows you to store energy generated in the day to use at night, reducing the need to use electricity from the Grid.
    • Reduce energy wastage: Steps such as turning off lights when not in use, taking shorter showers and draught-proofing your home will reduce how much energy you use. You can read our guide on 14 ways other ways to cut your energy bills.
    • Keep solar panels clean: Its important to regularly clean your solar panels you can buy solar panel cleaning kits, or you can install automated cleaners that are a bit like sprinkler systems. Alternatively, you can pay for a cleaning company to do the hard work for you!

    How To Reduce Your Monthly Electric Bill From 16000 Pesos Down To 2000+ Pesos

    The Philippines ranked 2nd highest in terms of electricity rates in Asia and 4th highest in the world. Part of it is due to the high costs of imported fossil fuels. Interestingly, Philippine electricity sales and consumption drastically increased by 6.7% from 77,261 GWh in 2014 to 82,413 GWh in 2015.

    Fossil fuels are the leading sources of electricity in the country as of 2010. Coal-fired ranking 1st in terms of the economys total electricity generation 2nd will be the natural gas-fired 3rd are the renewable resources such as geothermal, wind, solar, and biomass 4th is the hydropower plant.

    Electricity is surely a big deal for everyone. It runs all appliances inside the house, all projectors and ventilation in the school, all computers and internet connection in the office, as well as the public transportations . Electricity undisputedly runs the world. Not mentioning the continuous advancement of technology which is dependent to electricity. Most offices and businesses operate online and so its really inevitable. These lead to a high capital input for those who want to start a business and less profit for those who are currently operating. That means less compensation for employees, leading to lesser purchase from other businesses, and the cycle continues But how about everybodys savings?

    You can save! You can save money and reduce your electric bill from 16,000 pesos down to 2,000+ pesos. Start using Solar Panel and enjoy the money you deserve.

    Also Check: Do Solar Panels Add To Home Value

    Do You Still Have An Electric Bill With Solar Panels

    Most businesses using solar panels will still have an electricity bill to pay. Solar power needs to be used instantly or stored in a battery system, or it is fed back to the grid. This means that you will probably need to use electricity from other sources during winter and hours of darkness. However, businesses are particularly suited to solar panels because they use most of their energy during daylight hours.

    You Can Add Solar Panels To Your Existing System If You Need More Power

    Does installing solar power reduce my electricity bills?

    If there is additional space available on the roof, you can also add more solar panels to your system if you need more power. If you are interested in adding panels to your system, you call us, we do add-on systems. Your utility company may limit the amount of additional power that your system can generate.

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    Your System Isnt Working As Well As It Should

    This is a rare occurrence, but occasionally a system doesnt work the way it should. While the grand majority of residential solar arrays in and around California are installed properly and running correctly, mistakes do happen.

    The easiest way to prevent problems with your system is to have your solar installer walk you through the process of operating the system. This allows you to bypass any potential issues and understand how to read your systems output.

    If you feel like it, you could even ask the installation team which tell-tale signs you can look for to ensure your system is working correctly. If you ever discover any problems with your system, contact the team who installed it immediately.

    Can A Solar System Reduce My Electricity Bill To Zero

    A solar system can generally make a substantial dent in a households electricity bill. Savings of many thousands of dollars a year are possible for big residential power users but achieving a zero bill is difficult if not impossible in most Australian states.

    In Australia electricity produced though your solar system is either used instantaneously in the home, office or business or exported back to the power company. This exported power will earn you a credit based on the feed-in-tariff the power company are offering. This rate is generally only around one third of the cost you pay for purchased electricity. So to get a zero bill you need to export around three times the number of units you import plus a lot more units to cover the fixed charge part of the bill. In the real world this means investing in a very big solar system and importing very few units day or night from the grid. This is difficult on overcast and short winter days.

    Zero dollar bills require an off-grid system with batteries or a very large solar system on your home, again preferably with storage batteries. The upfront investment dollars to achieve this are substantial.

    Massive financial savings can be made and very large and risk-free returns on investment achieved by simply buying a large high quality solar system, reducing wasted power use and moving the power use remaining into daylight hours so that it can be supplied by free solar power.

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    How Do I Read This Bill

    Clean energy and a reliably comfortable home starts by controlling your energy costs with solar. Most electric bills cover a few standard components. With a home solar system, these components are generally up front and center:

    Service Fees

    A home solar system wont remove standard service fees. Service fees are the electric companys charges for connecting your home to the grid. Generally, its a flat monthly cost not based on how much electricity you use.


    Benjamin Franklin said nothing is certain in this world but death and taxes. Yet, a solar installation sure makes living in your home a lot more fun and financially secure.

    Taxes from electric companies are typically based on the amount of grid power used. So, the more electricity generated by your home solar system, the less you pay the tax man.

    Here, the financial benefits of using a storage battery are readily evident to reduce your draw from the electric grid.

    Electricity Use

    After the bottom line on your energy bill, electricity use is the component we look at. The electric company charges based on a volume rate .

    However, with a home solar system, your electric bill only includes the number of kilowatt hours youve used from the grid. They dont add in any electricity used from your solar panels.

    In fact, they dont even see how much solar energy youve used. So, if you only used power generated by your solar panels, the amount of electricity use on your bill would be zero.

    Electric Bills: How Much Money Do Solar Panels Save

    What have you done to reduce your electricity bill ...

    The first step to understanding how much money do solar panels save is understanding how much money youre spending right now on electrical power. The goal of the solar panels is to cut down or eliminate your electrical bill as much as possible, so the principal method that youll experience savings is through elimination of that bill.

    With an understanding of how much youre paying right now, you should get an idea of how much electricity your solar panels will need to generate in order to eliminate your bill.

    The average electric bill in the states is somewhere in the range of $100-$120 per month. This translates to about $1200-$1440 per year for a total of about 12,000 kW-hr.

    To experience the full savings of $1200 a year, your solar panel installation will have to be able to support that level of electricity consumption.

    Another way that solar panels help you save is via a tax credit. Federal regulations stipulate that you receive 26% of your solar panels installation cost back at the end of the year as a tax credit applied directly to your liability.

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    Contact Your Local Solar Contractor For More Information

    If youre having trouble understanding what to expect from your utility bills after solar panels, contact a local solar contractor. Here at Sandbar Solar, our team specializes in solar installation and is here to help you learn the ins and outs of your new residential system.

    After more than 14 successful years, Sandbar Solar maintains its position as the most established solar company in Santa Cruz. Thanks to our experience in the industry, weve got the knowledge and background to help you understand why your energy bill might seem higher than it should be, and identify the proactive steps you can take to get the savings you deserve.

    Contact us today to learn more.

    About the Author

    Scott is the founder of Sandbar Solar & Electric. With a Bachelors Degree in Economics from UC San Diego, Scott has an NABCEP certification, and has lectured on and taught many high-tech construction practices and solar PV technical concepts to education institutions, including Stanford University and state-recognized electrician apprenticeship programs. Scott enjoys sharing his knowledge of the evolving renewable energy space and making a difference in his community.

    Brighter Days With Sunrun

    Theres plenty of sun to go around. Join the solar energy market. To get you on your way, Sunrun offers solar leases and power purchase agreements . These options both give you the energy cost control and environmental benefits of a home solar system. We also have cash options if you want to buy and maintain your own solar system.

    Sunrun is the easiest, smartest way to join the solar energy revolution. All Sunrun service agreements include 25 years of support*guaranteed.

    To make the right decision for your budget, its good to have a solar lease and PPA bills explained.

    In general, a solar company does the installation. The solar company then leases the equipment installed on your roof to you at a fixed monthly amount. Or, they can sell electricity that the panels generate to you at a set price per kilowatt hour. Heres how they affect your bill:

    Solar Lease:

    If you like consistency, this is the one for you. With a solar lease, the bill from your solar provider is the same every month. This fixed figure is established by the amount of power your panels are designed to yield over their 25-year lifespan. That amount is then divided into consistent monthly payments for the term of your lease.

    Solar PPA:

    If youre more inclined to play the odds, consider a PPA. Under a Solar PPA, you pay the solar company a fixed rate per kilowatt hour generated by your home solar installation. This rate is generally less than that charged by the electric company.

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    What Are The Pros And Cons Of Installing Solar Panels In Wyoming

    The advantage of installing solar panels in Wyoming is the states net metering policy. Also, the state receives an abundant amount of sunshine, so a solar system here will produce more electricity than it would in other areas within the US.

    The disadvantage of installing solar panels in Wyoming is that there are no state or utility-based incentives. Wyoming residents wont be able to save as much as residents of other states.

    However, the combination of full retail net metering and the 26% federal tax credit still creates an opportunity for great savings. The best time to make the switch to solar in Wyoming is now!

    Your Household Energy Consumption

    Can I Reduce My Electricity Bill With Solar Panels?

    Next, the amount of energy that you consume in your household also plays a role in what your electric bill will look like after going solar. The national average for electricity consumption of a household in the United States is 897 kWh.

    If you live by yourself and can minimize your consumption further, it is very realistic to consume much less than that. Ultimately, you can figure out your monthly energy use with several calculators online.

    Before installing your solar panel system, it is important to understand this number so that you can meet your energy production goals. Some people only want to cover a portion of their energy use with solar, but there are also many individuals who want to cover it all.

    There are pros and cons to each option, but if you are trying to reduce your electric bill as much as possible then you should install a large enough system to meet 100% of your needs.

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