Friday, July 26, 2024

What’s The Cost Of Installing Solar Panels

Take Advantage Of All Available Solar Tax Credits Incentive Programs And Rebates

How Much Does it Cost to Install a Solar Energy System in 2021?

As mentioned above, solar tax credits and rebates are certainly one of the very best ways to save money on solar costs. Talk to a professional installer and find out what local and federal programs are available for your home. Taking advantage of all of the available incentives can equate to tremendous savings in many cases. Remember though that many incentive programs are limited and many are already expired, so talk to an installer and act quickly so that you do not miss out on these possible savings.

As of 2019, there are still some great incentives around! South Carolina, for instance, offers a 25% state tax credit for solar installations. Together with the similar federal tax credit, this adds up to a 55% discount on the entire cost of your solar installation! The state of Utah offers a similar tax credit worth 25% of the installation cost, or $2,000, whichever is less.

Be sure to research a bit to see if your own state or utility offers any rebates or tax incentives!

Solar Panel Maintenance Cost

Solar panel systems usually require very little maintenance. Two or three times a year, they should be inspected by a solar panel company. A general solar panel maintenance averages $400. Some warranties require twice-a-year inspections, while others require more frequent maintenance. The panels need to be inspected and cleaned on a fairly regular basis. The technician will also inspect all the components to ensure everything is functioning properly.

Also, there may be other maintenance required on an as-needed basis. This can include replacing brackets or fixing the glass on the panels if it breaks.

Thats Great But What About The Solar Panel Installation Cost For My Home

If you are curious about how much solar panels cost, it generally depends on a few factors. These include:

  • The size of your home solar system
  • Whether you buy or lease
  • Whether you qualify for federal, state, or local incentives and Whether you install a battery

When installing solar on your homes roof, there are several factors to consider.

Electricity needs How much energy you currently consume will directly relate to how big of a solar system you need and how many panels you need to support your homes energy needs.

Where you live How much sun exposure your homes roof gets will directly correlate to how much energy your solar system can produce and will impact how many panels you need for your home. More sun means more energy produced and a greater potential to save with solar.

Choice of solar panels – Better panels produce more energy more efficiently. The efficiency of the solar panels directly impacts the savings you can experience.

Roof angle – In solar panel installation, it is important to angle the solar panels so they can get maximum exposure to the sun. This is not a problem when the roof is angled, but it can be if the roof is flat. Houses with irregular rooflines, skylights, and challenging angles can make installation more complicated.

Purchasing options and incentives The payment option you choose will affect your costs, as well as your eligibility for incentives.

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Is Solar Power Worth It For A 2500 Square Foot House

To justify the cost for installation of solar panels we need to consider ones spending on electricity bills and get a sum for long term period. For this purpose, average electricity bill of a 2500 square feet house in different cities of Texas is:

These projected electricity bills are ESTIMATED using the average square footage and energy consumption of homes in Texas overall, and in various Texas cities.

Sq Footage

Source: Powerwizard.

Average for monthly household electricity bill in USA comes out to be $175.63. We have calculated the average cost of solar panel installation as $26700. We are ignoring cost of other components in the system as well as incentives assuming that both will compensate for each other. This way, cost of solar system will be recovered in 26700 / = 12.66 years.

Solar system has average lifetime of 20 to 25 years and 40 to 45 years if maintained well. So you can get solar panels installed with expectation of getting return on investment in few years.

Factors That Impact The Cost Of A Solar Energy Installation

Make Solar Panels

Type of Installation

There are two main installation methods for solar: roof mounts and ground mounts. Roof mounts are attached to existing structures. Ground mounts and carports require additional posts that must be anchored into the ground. This often results in higher labor and component costs.

Type of Equipment

Solar Panels:

There are two basic variables with solar panels: power density and color. Power density is the amount of power that a solar panel can produce per unit of size. For example, a solar panel that is the same size may produce between 300-400 watts, depending on the power density. Generally speaking, the more power dense the panel, the higher cost per watt. Color is the other variable with solar panels. The basic panel has a blue cell, white backsheet, and silver frame. Modules with a black frame, black backsheet, or black cell are generally more expensive.

Solar Inverters:

There are three types of solar inverters: String, Micro, and Power Optimizers.

String Inverters link panels together in one or more groups. Each group feeds into one string inverter, feeding several panels into one inverter. String inverters tend to be more cost-effective than other types of inverters.

Micro inverters are installed on each individual panel. Although this type of inverter has its benefits, they tend to be the most expensive type of inverter.

Roof Type

Energy Consumption


Weather Patterns

Interconnection Cost

Also Check: How To Start A Solar Panel Installation Company

What Size Solar Panel System Do You Need

The average home uses 905 kWh per month, or around 10,850 kWh per year, in electricity. The average size home with a decent amount of sunshine could install a 5 kW to 6 kW solar panel system to help reduce utility bills. You may want to learn about your sun number score for solar based on your homes location and average sunlight exposure discussed below. Also explore the different solar panels dimensions and sizes for more context.

With solar panels, the money you save on your electricity bills can more than earn back your initial installation costs in 7 to 20 years. There are plenty of solar rebates and incentives available from both the government and local energy providers, which can significantly speed up your return on investment.

You may also be able to participate in selling excess electricity from your solar panels by net metering in your area.

Solar Panel Installation Cost By Type Of Mounting System

Another component you may not give much thought to in your solar installation is the . This is what your solar panels attach to. If you have a roof installation, the mounting system type is dependent on your roof material. If you cannot penetrate the roof to install it, then a ballast method must be used. However, nearly all residential roof installations are known as a fixed mount. If you have a commercial installation, you need a tilt mount or an adjustable mount. If you have a ground installation, you have even more options. Costs will not impact your total installation very much because the racking only makes up roughly 10% of your total costs. However, the solar mount type you choose can impact how it looks and works.

Mounting System
$500 – $1,000

Also Check: Why Do Solar Panels Face South

How Much Does Solar Installation Cost

The average cost of installing solar panels is anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000 depending on the size of your home and where you live. This is because, with installation, an average residential 5 kW system will cost between $3 and $5 per watt. This is before any tax credits and incentives, which means that this rate might be even lower. Read on to learn about how you can save big on your solar panel installation costs.

Reduction In Energy Costs

How Much Do Solar Panels Really Cost?

Youll save between $650 to $1,500 annually. Over a 25-year period, youll save between $15,000 to $40,000 in energy costs. Cost ranges vary by regional differences in the cost of electricity and how much sun youll get. Dont expect to save as much in a darker northern climate as you would in southern California, Florida or Hawaii.

A great first step in determining which products are right for your home is to conduct a Home Energy Audit. A home auditor will do a detailed inspection of your usage and areas where you can improve to help you determine if you would benefit from a solar system. From there, a pro can help you to select the right location, size, mounts, and panels to maximize on savings.

Although you may hesitate to spend the money on the most expensive types of panels and mounts, it is good to remember that you will save money on the other side with decreased electricity bills. It could be that what you spend up front will pay for itself very quickly in your reduced monthly bills.

You can enhance your savings by selecting products with higher efficiencies and investing in track mounting. Track mounting will ensure that your system absorbs all the light it can, and high-quality panels will be able to capture and convert that light at a greater rate.

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Save On Electricity Costs With Solar Panels

Whether you are aiming to lower your electricity expenses or reduce your carbon footprint, the benefits of solar panels are hard to overlook. Invest the time to obtain all of the necessary information including house size, solar insolation, current electricity rates, and your yearly consumption. Go about the installation process wisely and make it worth the investment!

With Barrett Solar You Own Your Panels

When you buy your panels from Barrett Solar, you pay more upfront for your panels, but generate free electricity for life!

How does solar affect my homes value?

Definitely. First off, most buyers will find the energy savings to be very attractive. You hold a lot of power when you can tell a buyer your house will literally cost them hundreds of dollars less every month than any other house on the street.

Also Check: How Much Power Can I Get From Solar Panels

What Adds Up The Cost Of Solar Power System For A 2500 Square Foot House

Cost range calculated above gives an idea before someone starts ones plans to switch to renewable energy. But it must be kept in mind that this doesnt provide concrete figures. There are several factors which can cause cost to increase.

For example, an extra load like HVAC system which demands high power will lead you add panels and thus cost. Similarly, environmental condition like intense summer might push you go for AC, adding up more cost.

Shaded area on roof top or less shiny days during some seasons can also increase the need for number of solar panels to generate required amount of energy. Labor cost varies from state to state and might affect your calculations.

Costs related to other crucial components in solar panel system can also not be ignored.

Heres my guide to best 1000 watt inverter.

Start Your Solar Journey On Energysage

Is Solar Energy Actually Cost Effective?

The best way to get the most competitive prices for solar is to compare multiple quotes. EnergySage is the nations online Solar Marketplace: when you sign up for a free account, we connect you with solar companies in your area, who compete for your business with custom solar quotes tailored to fit your needs. Over 10 million people come to EnergySage each year to learn about, shop for, and invest in solar. .

Don’t Miss: Where Do Solar Panels Come From

Understanding The Solar Investment Tax Credit

As we alluded to earlier, the ITC has been an overall boon to the expansion and health of the solar industry. As of 2021, the ITC reduces the cost of installing solar panels by 26%, and its a large reason the solar industry has consistently experienced a 42% annual growth rate for the past decade.

Unfortunately, the residential ITC is set to completely expire by 2024, with the ramp down already happening now. Thankfully, solar panel installations costs overall have decreased during the life of the ITC, but the solar panel industry is still preparing for a slowdown in installations in the short-term future. Therefore, if there was any time to consider solar panels for your home, the time is now. The discount is only going to decrease.

How Can I Budget For My Electric Bill

The 50/30/20 rule is a standard budgeting approach that guides users to spend 50% of their monthly after-tax income on needs, 30% on wants and 20% on savings and debt payments. An electric bill is considered a “need,” so users of the method would allocate 50% of income to essential utilities, including electricity, and other necessities like food, housing and transportation.

Here’s a hypothetical example of how the breakdown could look for someone with a $2,500 monthly income:

  • $1,250 for utilities , internet, rent, groceries and other needs.

  • $750 for new clothes and dinner with friends.

  • $500 toward savings and paying off your credit card.

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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost To Install

To begin with, let’s take a look at the basic price range for solar panel installation. According to the most recent U.S. Solar Market InsightTM report, in the first quarter of 2021, the national average price of a residential solar system was $2.94 per watt, which would mean a 5 kWh system would cost $14,700 and a 10 kWh system would cost $29,400.

The exact price you’ll pay for solar panels will depend on a number of factors, including your geographic location, the size of your home and more.

Now, you might rightly wonder: What exactly are you paying for? The solar panels themselves usually make up just about a quarter of the total cost. Remaining expenses include labor, maintenance and additional parts and components .

How Much Does Solar Installation Cost A Look Into Average Prices For Solar Panels

Honest Cost of my Solar Power Install

In 2010, an average homeowner in the United States would have paid around $40,000 for a full-size solar panel system for their home. Fast forward to 2021, the average cost for a solar panel installation has fallen 50% to roughly $20,000 .

Breaking down math is pretty simple. Just multiply the price per watt by the size of the system you need for your home: $3.20 per watt times 6,000 watts equals $19,200 there you have the average cost of a solar panel installation for your home. But where exactly do those numbers come from? And are there any local incentives available to slash that price tag even further? Thats what were here to help you understand.

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Integral Collector Storage Passive Systems

The integral collector storage passive system is highly energy-efficient and inexpensive compared to other systems. However, it only functions in areas with very mild or warm weather conditions. A major drawback is that it heats only about 40 percent of the households hot water, so you will be left having to keep your conventional system as a backup. The cost ranges from $1,000 to $3,000.

The Cost Of Solar After Installation

Its not talked about as much, but one thing to keep in mind about the cost of a solar panel installation is the cost to keep and maintain that system. In general, solar panels require little to no maintenance over their lifetime, and you shouldnt expect to shell out much money at all once your panels are installed and operational. Theres always the off-chance something happens thats not covered by your warranties, however. You may need to trim trees as they grow, or hire a cleaner if you live in an area of the country with abnormal air pollution. Learn more about what you could run into post-installation in our article about the costs of solar panels after theyre installed.

Recommended Reading: When Do Federal Solar Tax Credits Expire

Diy Vs Hiring A Professional Solar Installer

DIY kits fall around $1 to $2 per kilowatt. Considering that having the entire process handled by a professional contractor averages around $2.50-3.50 per kilowatt, you may not be looking at a lot of savings.

$25,000 – $35,000

*Pre-tax credit cost.

Going with a professional has many benefits and the price difference is often insignificant. A professional will be able to help you with design, will be able to get higher quality products and materials at a lower rate, and will also be useful in acquiring permits and tax credits.

The California Case Study

Do Solar Panels Need to be Cleaned?

Let’s take a look at a typical 5KW system installation and savings of a home in .

An average cost for 5KW of system will cost you around $20K to install. . This is just our starting point. Now we need to subtract the incentives and solar federal tax breaks as follows: Subtract the rebate you’ll receive for each KW, which is totaled at $3750.

Now we need to subtract the at an amazing 30% to reduce the bill by another $4875 dollars. That brings your total savings to $8625 dollars!

So, all of a sudden, a $20K investment turns to $11,375. That is almost half of the original cost, and that’s big.

Again, like rebate program. For example, the LADWP rebate program is much different than the SMUD rebate program.

One of the main reasons people tend to not get very excited about the prospect of installing a solar energy system to their home is their perception of the costs involved.

How much you stand to make depends upon where in the US you live, how much sunshine you typically see, and how electricity costs you. Naturally, the more money you pay for your energy supply, the more money you will save when you switch to solar.

The costs involved depends upon what kind of system you install. You can even have solar panels installed for free by allowing a solar energy company to lease your roof space off you so they can install their panels there.

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