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Do Solar Panels Work In Michigan

Do Solar Panels Work In Michigans Cold Climate

Does solar work in Michigan?

Anyone living in Detroit is familiar with the bitterly cold winters that are a hallmark of the region. Its natural that if youre looking into a residential solar energy system as a supplemental energy source, youd question how it would function during the winter. We cover what you can expect from solar panels during a Michigan winter below.

How Much Electricity Do Solar Panel Systems Generate In Michigan

Depending on the location, solar panels will generate different amounts of electricity.

A solar system that is installed on a south-facing 24-degree pitch roof Michigan will generate 1,550kWh of peak DC capacity per year per 1kW inMichigan.

Enter your details into the solar panel calculator to see how your location, roof tilt, and roof direction impacts solar panel production.

Important Solar Installation Factors To Consider

Solar is a remarkable technology, but it does have some limitations. Several factors can impact how effective solar panels would be for your home, including:

  • The angle of your homes roof: Panels work best in direct sunlight. Roof angles dont always align with the suns path and can limit how much direct light reaches the solar panels.
  • How much sunlight your home gets: The more sunlight your state receives per year, and the more sun your roof gets, the better your panels can work. Solar panels only work when they can capture sunlight. While panels can still generate energy during cloudy days or in indirect light, they are much more effective when the sun shines directly on them.
  • HOA and neighborhood rules: Depending on your neighborhood rules or an HOA, there may be limitations on what kind of panels you are permitted to install.

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Incentives Tax Credits And Rebates For Michigan Solar Panels

Solar energy is growing in popularity in Michigan. Solar panels in Michigan have decreased by 43 percent throughout the past five years. Today, Michigan has approximately 83,000 solar-powered houses. Additionally, solar use is projected to grow substantially throughout the state in the future years.

Michigan Solar Panel Cost

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Solar panel costs are measured in how many watts per dollar the system can deliver. On average, a residential solar panel system costs between $3 and $5 per watt. When added up, this leads to an average solar cost of $15,000 to $25,000. Keep in mind, this price is before solar rebates and tax credits are taken into account. And solar panels will eventually pay for themselves through energy cost savings. The average amount of time it takes for a residential solar system to pay for itself is 6 to 9 years.

The cost of solar panels in Michigan has been going down in recent years, but this upfront cost can still be a significant barrier. With rebates, tax credits, and the options for leasing and community solar projects, these costs are becoming increasingly manageable.

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Some Positive Signs For Solar In Michigan

Michigan has some of the highest energy prices in the nation. Why is this good news? Even though there are few state incentives to convert to solar, the actual cost of a solar system is a function of energy prices. The higher the energy cost, the less expensive the yearly cost of installing solar.

There is a strong Net Metering law in Michigan, allowing solar users to sell all unused solar power back to the utility at full retail rates. Every month you have surplus power, you receive a credit on your next months bill, and this carries forward every month.

Michigan has a strong Interconnectivity law, governing what utilities can charge or demand in return for you hooking up to the grid, and how simple it is to do so. It is extremely simple and cost-effective in Michigan.

Your Solar Installations Quality

You may come across some solar quotations that appear to be too good to be true. When an installation quotes you an absurdly low fee, the installer may be utilizing substandard equipment or an untenable marketing strategy. You want to work with a solar installation that charges sufficiently to remain in business. After all, youll be depending on them for the next decades.

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Michigan Solar Panel Companies

There are a variety of Michigan solar panel companies available offering solar installation. Before choosing the best solar installer in Michigan, be sure to thoroughly review your options. During your search, its important to read customer reviews, research business history, and ask the solar companies about warranties and guarantees for the solar system. SaveOnEnergys solar guides and resources can help you understand the solar industry and prepare you to find the right solar panel company for your energy needs.

How Do Solar Panels Work

Solar For Skeptics! (It Does Work In Michigan)
Do solar panels require regular maintenance?

No, but cleaning them can improve power generation if they are dirty.

Will residential solar power system cost fall in Michigan in 2021?

Given this environment, and the effect of import tariffs placed on solar panels by the Trump administration during 2018, it is hard to see that solar power system prices in Michigan will fall during 2021.

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Federal Incentives: Act Now To Get The Most Benefit

  • As a way to promote clean and renewable energy, the federal government has put in place twonationwide solar incentives that are available to Michigan residents. Homeowners should apply forthem shortly after installation is complete. Your LG PRO installer can help you understand theseincentives and how to apply.
  • The Federal Solar Tax Credit allows Americans in any state to deduct 26% of the cost of theirresidential solar installation from their federal taxes, dollar for dollar, through the end of 2020.The ITC then steps down to 22% for projects that begin construction in 2021. After 2021, the residential credit is scheduled to drop to zero, although acommercial and utility credit will remain.6So lock in your ITCadvantage by going solar now!
  • Customers of a public utility can save money at tax time because the money, credits or subsidies theyearn are not taxable.7

Is It Better To Lease Or Buy Solar

It is always best to buy a solar panel system. Your electric company may offer you some lease options and you will enjoy a reduced electricity price for years to come, but owning solar panels makes that energy free. Most solar arrays pay themselves off within 10 years and all energy you use after that comes with a handsome price-tag of $0/kWh.

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Myth: Snow Will Impact Solar Panel Productivity And Upkeep

For the most part, snow on solar panels in Michigan is self clearing. Most panels are installed on an angle, so snow slides off panels naturally. However, if your panels are completely covered in snow, it will halt energy production. To remove snow, most people simply brush off the snow with a rubberized solar panel rake but dont worry about needing to get all of the snow off. All that figures to be necessary is to clear the snow thats in the front of the panel and a portion of the panels surface. When the sun hits the panels, the snow will begin melting and shed the rest of snow, making for an easy cleanup. Even better, the snow can reflect light and help improve PV performance and overall panel productivity.

Solar panels have no moving parts to maintain, and really all that is necessary is cleaning the dust or dirt off roughly twice per year just as you would clear the gutters of your roof at the end of a season.

Solar Panel Cost Michigan: Prices & Data November 2021


As of Nov 2021, the average cost of solar panels in Michigan is$2.66 per watt making a typical 6000 watt solar system$11,797 after claiming the 26% federal solar tax credit now available.

This is lower than the average price of residential solar power systems across the United States which is currently $3.00 per watt.

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Myth: My Home Is Too Small For Solar Panels

At POWERHOME SOLAR, your consultant will analyze your roof and shading as well as current electric bills and see what size system makes sense for you. Then, well build a custom proposal for you based solely on your individual criteria. Even small homes can house a solar panel array. Just check out our gallery to see how weve made solar work for Michigan homes.

Leasing Option For Solar Panels

Solar leasing is a great way to go solar if you are short of cash or if you dont have the ability to take a loan. As you can see above, the immediate returns are not as impressive, but due to the relatively high Missouri energy costs and the normal energy cost inflation, your savings multiply year after year!

With solar leasing, you generally have two distinct options.

With standard leasing, you basically pay a rental payment for a solar roof system. The system is installed and maintained by the solar company on your roof. Depending on the amount of sun you get, the lease payment plus the new, lower electric bill should be less than what you are currently paying.

With a Power Purchase Agreement , you agree to allow a company to install home solar on your roof. You then purchase the energy your panels produce at a substantial discount to your current residential electric rates. As with a lease, the company maintains the system and assumes all risk. You just collect the savings.

Keep in mind that with a lease, you do not get the residual value of the system to your property, as you do not own it. You also do not receive any of the tax credits or other benefits of home solar ownership, other than lower energy costs.

Michigans Renewable Portfolio Standard Guidelines

Michigans RPS took effect in 2008, with a goal of generating 10% of their power with renewable energy by 2015. They have met this goal, but the RPS has run out, and there is no new plan in place.

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The History Of Solar Power In Michigan

The first solar cell rooftop panels, though, were created in 1883. Michigan currently ranks 26th in solar power generation in the country, and that amount is growing. With solar powering just over 83,000 homes, theres plenty of room for growth. For instance, Michigan is ranked 18th for solar power growth potential. Michigan is expected to grow by 1,802 MW in solar over the next five years.

Of its solar farms, Michigan has at least fifty that generate 0.5 MW or more. The largest of these can generate more than 28 MW, although most are closer to 1-2 MW. Also among the states solar projects are multiplecommunity solar projects.

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Michigan Solar Panel System winter JANUARY 2019 power made even during snow. Fronius inverter

Yes. Michigan homeowners pay an average of 17.69 cents/kWh for electricity, almost four cents above the national average!

There are two types of savings youll find with solar:

  • Short term savings are savings youll see pretty much at the start of having your solar system turned on. If your loan or lease payments are lower than your costs now, you have day one savings.
  • Long term savings are savings you may not see right away, but youll see either once your solar loan is paid off, or when your electricity bill rises higher than your solar payments. If you have a 12-year loan, after year 12 the loan is paid off and youll have no electricity costs. Youll end up saving thousands more over the lifetime of having your solar system than you would have without going solar at all!
  • All of our panels come with a 25-year warranty through LG. In addition, keeping your panels clear of debris or snow is crucial to ensure your panels are performing at maximum capacity. There are ways to assure your panels are putting out maximum energy production.

    You can use a leaf blower or a hose to remove debris from trees, birds, and general dust even a light rain can wash away build-up. Light layers of snow typically slide off the solar panels, though you can always use a squeegee on a pole for clearing off heavier snow accumulations.

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    History Of Solar Policy In Michigan

    As of 2019, Michigan had installed nearly 150 megawatts of solar energy capacity, placing the state 30th on SEIAs national ranking. The Great Lake State can largely attribute their current position to growth in the industry over just the past few years. While decreasing solar costs and steadily high in-state electricity prices have contributed to this growth in solar, Michigans solar policies have also played an important role in influencing the industrys recent development.

    Much of Michigans policy history exists in 2008 alone, when policymakers established both the Renewable Portfolio Standard and net metering program. These two regulatory policies have been particularly successful in advancing the growth of renewable and solar energy throughout the country: roughly half of all growth in U.S. renewable electricity generation and capacity since 2000 has been associated with state RPS requirements.

    Michigans RPS originally specified that utilities were required to generate 10 percent of their retail electricity sales from renewable energy resources by 2015. In 2015 lawmakers revised the legislation upwards, mandating that utilities must source 15 percent of their electricity from renewable energy by 2021. While utilities can choose from a variety of eligible sources under the states RPS, the solar industrys projected growth over the next several years indicates that solar has an important role to play in meeting the states RPS target.


    Comparing Michigan Solar Panel Options

    The chart below gives you an idea of the costs and returns for each solar option available to Michigan residents purchase, purchase with credit, and solar leasing.

    A cash purchase always delivers the most immediate, largest savings. With no loan payments, you realize 100% of the energy savings immediately, along with the Federal 30% tax credit.

    Considering an average installation price of $20,000 for a 5kW system, you will see an immediate return of $6000 and an estimated first-year savings of around $760 in energy costs.

    Taking into account expected energy price inflation, your yearly savings should be an estimated $1300 within 15 years. This should completely pay for the system within 15 years, but you still own the added value of the system to your property, and you are supporting local jobs and the environment too!

    Years ago, the only way to buy home solar was to pay cash. As the lifetime of the system has gotten longer and the efficiency has grown, you no longer have to lay down $20,000 cash to buy your solar system. In fact, as a return on cash invested, financing is actually more sensible than paying cash.

    Low interest rates along with the Federal tax credit give solar financing the largest actual returns. You get all of the benefits of solar, without any cash out of your pocket!

    If you would like a custom quote based on your energy use, .

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    Solar Power Prices Savings And Payback In Your Part Of Michigan

    The average cost for an installed residential solar system in Michigan is currently$11,797 after claiming the 26%federal solar tax credit. This is $2.66 per watt.However, there is some variance in solar prices in different parts of the state.The graph below shows the average cost of installed solar systems in your part of the state.

    Showing data for:

    Cash flow graph based on cash purchase of a 7.1kWsystem

    Michigan Solar Power: Check Your Savings Costs Tax Breaks Incentives And Rebates

    How do solar panels help the environment?

    Homeowners in Michigan have an opportunity to save plenty of money by going solar.

    Energy rates in the state are slightly above the national average, which means more savings for every kilowatt-hour you dont purchase from local utilities.

    Besides, the state receives average rates of sunlight above four peak sun-hours per day, and as much as six peak sun-hours during the summer.

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    How Much Do Solar Panels Cost In Michigan In 2021

    As of December 2021, the average solar panel cost in Michigan is $3.11/W. Given a solar panel system size of 5 kilowatts , an average solar installation in Michigan ranges in cost from $13,218 to $17,882, with the average gross price for solar in Michigan coming in at $15,550. After accounting for the 26% Federal Investment Tax Credit and other state and local solar incentives, the net price you’ll pay for solar can fall by thousands of dollars.

    Importantly, these costs are typical for solar shoppers comparing solar quotes on the EnergySage Marketplace. When you compare quotes for solar panels on EnergySage’s competitive solar marketplace, you can expect to see prices up to 20% lower than working with a single solar company. Read our to compare solar panel costs across states and by panel brand.

    Do I Need To Clean Snow Off Of My Solar Panels

    Absolutely not! Your solar panel system will melt snow on its own fairly quickly. Typically within a day or so, your solar panels will absorb enough sunlight to melt the snow and have it easily slide off. You could potentially damage your panel system by removing the snow instead of letting the sun do its job!

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    Solar Energy In Michigan May Help Lower Your Electric Bills

    Solar panels can help you save a lot of money on electricity. Depending on your average electricity rate, you may expect to save up to $100 per month, or $1,200 per year, on electricity. Michigan electricity rates tend to be higher than other states in May, the average Michigan electric rate was 17.69 cents per kWh the 10th highest in the nation. This means Michigan residents can save a substantial amount in energy costs each month through investing in solar.

    Suppose you buy a solar system for your home for $15,000. Right off the bat, youll receive $3,900 back thanks to the governments 26 percent tax credit. After that, if you save $1,200 per year on electricity, youll break even on your system after less than ten years.

    Average initial investment

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